Renewable Readiness Assessment Jordan validation workshop
IRENA in cooperation with Jordan's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources held a validation workshop for the Renewable Readiness Assessment being undertaken for the country.
IRENA in cooperation with Jordan's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources held a validation workshop for the Renewable Readiness Assessment being undertaken for the country.
IRENA jointly with the Department of Renewable Energy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Bhutan Government, launched the Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA) for the Kingdom of Bhutan.
IRENA in cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, has embarked on producing a Renewables Readiness Assessment study for Albania, and conducted its first multi-stakeholder consultation workshop.
Jointly with the Ministry of Energy (MoE) of Azerbaijan and the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources (SAARES), IRENA will officially launch the Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) report for the Republic of Azerbaijan.
As part of the Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) process, this Validation Workshop jointly be organised by IRENA, El Salvador's Ministry of Economy, and the Hydroelectric Commission, will bring together renewable energy stakeholders to validate the recommendations of the draft RRA report.
The event brought together renewable energy stakeholders in the Republic of Moldova, for the launch of the RRA report and discussion on potential follow-up activities building on the recommendations of the report.
The RRA Expert Consultation Workshop gathered stakeholders from across El Salvador’s public sector, private sector, industry, civil society and academia to introduce the RRA process and to discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables in the country.
The RRA Expert Consultation Workshop brought together renewable energy stakeholders in the Republic of Moldova to discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables in the country. The outcomes of the discussions provide substantive inputs for the preparations of the RRA report.