Renewable Readiness Assessment Jordan validation workshop
IRENA in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has undertaken a Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA) for Jordan and has identified key actions to accelerate renewable energy deployment.
This study provides recommendations to strengthen the policy and regulations, infrastructure and other measures for integration, financing and local industry and other socioeconomic benefits. In addition, it identifies the necessary actions to facilitate the renewable energy transition through a wide range of stakeholders. In turn, IRENA stands ready to assist Jordan’s transition to a renewable energy future. As such a series of consultations have been organized as part of the process, including the following validation workshop.
The objective of this two-day workshop was to consolidate the recommendations identified throughout the RRA process, all while including the relevant stakeholders from different institutions responsible for driving renewable energy deployment in Jordan. The participants included representatives from the relevant energy stakeholders to feed in to the final RRA Jordan. The two-day validation workshop was conducted through break-out group sessions. While the RRA draft provided a starting point for discussions, the round-table discussions aimed to maximize the active participation of all stakeholders. Group discussions were based on the key themes identified in the first draft of the RRA to verify the challenges and recommendations to enable focused discussion sessions in each pair identified to increase the quality of discussions and the effective collection of expert input.