Validation Workshop of Renewables Readiness Assessment El Salvador
As part of the Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) process, this Validation Workshop jointly organised by IRENA, El Salvador's Ministry of Economy, and the Executive Hydroelectric Commission of the Lempa River (CEL), brought together renewable energy stakeholders to validate the recommendations of the draft RRA report. The outcomes of the discussions will provide substantive inputs for the preparations of the final RRA report.
The event was a continuation of the Expert Consultation Workshop, which took place in December 2018, and gathered around 50 experts, including representatives of international organizations, development partners and academia. The main objective of the event was to validate the set of challenges and recommendations identified during the RRA process.
Participants expressed satisfaction and validated the proposed recommended actions. Additional messages were suggested to be included in the currently proposed structure as discussions on new topics took place.
The meeting also confirmed interest from development partners in providing relevant support to the government of El Salvador in particular, GIZ and IDB.
Opening Ceremony
Landscape of the development of renewable energy in El Salvador, Daniel Alvarez, CEL
IRENA – Renewable Readiness Assessment, Vanessa Interiano, IRENA
Validation Workshop
RRA Implementation in El Salvador, Fabian Barrera, IRENA and Salvador Rivas, Consultant
Key RRA Findings: Challenges and Recommendations, Rafael Ferreira, IRENA and Fabian Barrera, IRENA
Preparing the group discussions, Rafael Ferreira, IRENA
Outcomes from the group discussions – Validation of Recommendations, Fabian Barrera, IRENA
Thematic Discussions
Long-term planning – Best Practices, Rafael Ferreira, IRENA
Energy systems planning in the short, medium and long-term, Lorena DiChiara, IDB
Perspectives on development of renewable energy in El Salvador for the period 2019-2024, Salvador Handal, CNE
Power Purchase Agreements for Geothermal Energy, Fabian Barrera, IRENA