Renewables Readiness Assessment for Albania: multi-stakeholder consultation workshop
IRENA in cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) has embarked on producing a Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) study for Albania, and conducted its first multi-stakeholder consultation workshop on 5 and 6 December 2019.
The RRA is designed to define a detailed list of critical and emerging issues associated with the energy sector and identifies key short-to-medium term actions to accelerate renewable energy deployment to strengthen the policy, regulatory, and institutional framework through developing an enabling framework conducive to renewable energy investments.
The RRA process relies on an inclusive stakeholder consultative process. As part of the consultative process, a multi-stakeholder workshop will be jointly organized by IRENA and the MIE. The workshop will gather national stakeholders representing the MIE, the utility, including generation, transmission and distribution companies, development partners, IFI’s, private sector, non-governmental organizations, universities and research institutions. All these mentioned parties are involved in the renewable energy sector of Albania and will gather to consolidate the findings drawn from research and the previous consultations on issues that are critical for the assignment. The outcomes of the workshops will complement the work of the core RRA team to feed into the final RRA report for Albania.