Kick-off Meeting of Renewables Readiness Assessment El Salvador
The RRA Expert Consultation Workshop gathered stakeholders from across El Salvador’s public sector, private sector, industry, civil society and academia to introduce the RRA process and to discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables in the country. The outcome of these discussions will provide substantive inputs for the preparations of the RRA report. In addition, IRENA heldbilateral meetings with key government and non-government stakeholders in the Republic of El Salvador.
On 3 December, IRENA kicked-off RRA El Salvador with an inception meeting in San Salvador. The purpose of the meeting was to explain the overall RRA process to key stakeholders in El Salvador, and hold bilateral meetings / interviews with local stakeholders, development partners and regional institutions. As a result of these discussions, IRENA and the RRA consultant gathered critical feedback to inform the development of the RRA report.
On 4 December, bilateral meetings also took place with actors from all relevant sub-sectors of the energy sector, including government agencies, the private sector, donor agencies and civil society, to discuss the current status of renewables in the country, key challenges and opportunities, and to get feedback on the preliminary RRA findings. The workshop was jointly organized with Grupo CEL.