5th International Forum on Long-Term Energy Scenarios


MC: Angela Khanali Mutsotso, Associate Professional – Clean Energy Transition Scenarios, IRENA

European Central Time (ECT) Event
8:00 – 9:00

Registration and Coffee

9:00 – 10:00

Opening Session

Welcome remarks:

  • Tobias Rinke, Germany
  • Denmark
  • Clean Energy Ministerial
  • Asami Miketa, Head of Energy Planning and Power System Transformation, IRENA

Scene-setting presentation and forum logistics:
Juan Jose Garcia, Programme Officer, IRENA

10:00 – 12:30

Session 1: Roundtable (Co-hosted with Brazil): Leveraging Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) to Attract Investments – Bridging Planning and Funding for Energy Transitions

Under the G20 Presidency framework, this session explores how robust planning frameworks can facilitate the funding of the clean energy transition. Scenario practitioners will gain valuable insights into best practices and understand what funding institutions seek in energy transition plans. The discussion focuses on effectively using scenarios to unlock and accelerate clean energy investments.


  • Asami Miketa, Head of Energy Planning and Power System Transformation, IRENA
  • Gustavo de Naciff Andrade, Deputy Head of Energy Economics, EPE, Brazil

Moderator: Elizabeth Gillespie, Director, Financial Services, EY

Including prepared interventions from various countries and institutions.

12:30 – 13:45


13:45 – 15:15

Session 2: Effective Communication of Long-Term Energy Scenarios

Effective communication is crucial for stakeholder engagement and the successful implementation of long-term energy strategies. This session delves into how various stakeholders comprehend long-term energy scenarios. Energy planners will gain practical insights to improve their scenario communication methods, leading to more effective policymaking.

ModeratorAsami Miketa, Head of Energy Planning and Power System Transformation, IRENA

IRENA presentation:
Nadeem Goussous, Associate Programme Officer, IRENA


  • Paul Deane, Senior Research Fellow, University College Cork
  • Paul Koutstaal, Deputy department head and program manager energy supply, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
  • Angelina LaRose, Assistant Administrator for Energy Analysis, U.S. Energy Information Administration
  • Alessia De Vita, Technical Advisor, GET.transform

15:15 – 15:45

Coffee break

15:45 – 17:30

Session 3 (Co-hosted with UNFCCC): Aligning Energy and Climate Strategies: The Path to Consistent National Policy Frameworks

Aligning energy and climate strategies is essential for developing consistent and effective national policies. This session provides a comprehensive overview of aligning Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) with Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). Participants will gain insights into aligning planning frameworks through various mechanisms and structures, ultimately aiding in the development of more robust Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Moderator: Romeo Bertolini, Director of Operations and Head of Bonn Office, NDC Partnership

Opening remarks from Brazil:
Gustavo de Naciff Andrade, Deputy Head of Energy Economics, EPE, Brazil

Scene-setting presentations:

  • Kenichi Kitamura, Programme Officer, UNFCCC
  • Iris van der Lugt, Associate Professional, IRENA


  • Tiina Koljonen, Research Team Leader, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Francisco Domenech Guzmán, Energy Foresight Analyst, Ministry of Energy, Chile
  • Glasha Obrekht, Director, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
  • Michelle Akute, Manager – Energy Planning, Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority

18:00 – 20:00

Reception (venue: IRENA IITC)

European Central Time (ECT) Event
8:00 – 9:00

Registration and Coffee

9:00 – 10:30

Session 4 (Co-hosted with the Danish Energy Agency): Strengthening Institutional Ownership of LTES: Insourcing vs. Outsourcing

To effectively develop and use Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES), institutions must decide between insourcing and outsourcing their development processes, or a mixed approach. This session explores the roles of insourcing and outsourcing in LTES development. Practitioners will gain insights for decision-making, governance structures, and planning ecosystem-building in their specific contexts.

Scene-setting: Rosie Collington, Post-Doctoral Researcher in International Political Economy, Copenhagen Business School

Moderator: Charlie Heaps, LEAP Developer and Senior Scientist, Stockholm Environment Institute


  • Mohammed Elsayed, Senior Engineer, Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Egypt
  • Camilla de Araujo Ferraz, Energy Research Analyst, EPE Brazil
  • Malene Hovgaard Vested, Energy Advisor, Danish Energy Agency

10:30 – 10:50

Coffee break

10:50 – 12:30

Session 5: Broadening LTES to Feature Socioeconomic Aspects

A just energy transition requires the consideration of socioeconomic factors to ensure fairness and inclusivity. This session examines the inclusion of socioeconomic elements in LTES to support a just energy transition. Gain insights on vital socioeconomic factors, particularly in regions transitioning from fossil-fuel-based economies, and learn how to incorporate these elements into LTES.

Opening presentation: Gondia Sokhna Seck, Programme Officer, IRENA

Moderator: Kaare Sandholt, International Chief Expert, China Energy Transition Programme, Energy Research Institute of Academy of Macroeconomic Research


  • Elizabeth Doris, Director, Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA) at NREL
  • Jessica Arias Gaviria, Deputy Director of Energy Demand, Mining and Energy Planning Unit (UPME), Colombia
  • Yang Hongwei, Chief Scientist, National Key Basic Research Development Program, Energy Research Institute of Academy of Macroeconomic Research, China
  • Reshma Francy, Associate Director, Policy Pathfinding and Trilemma, World Energy Council
  • Feng Junshu, Researcher, Energy Strategy & Planning Research Department, State Grid Energy Research Institute, China

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00

Session 6 (Co-hosted with the World Energy Council): Incorporating Energy Security Considerations in Long-Term Energy Scenarios

Energy security is a critical aspect of any long-term energy plan, necessitating strategies to manage risks and ensure stability. This session discusses the challenges and management of energy security within LTES. Planners will acquire strategies for integrating energy security and its relevant indicators into scenario development.

Moderator: Reshma Francy, Associate Director, Policy Pathfinding and Trilemma, World Energy Counci


  • Filipe de Padua Fernandes Silva, Energy Research Analyst, EPE Brazil
  • Pamella Elleng Rosa Sangy, Technical Consultant, EPE Brazil
  • Bo Yuan, Section Chief, Energy Strategy and Planning Institute, State Grid Energy Research Institute, China
  • Farhan Ahmed Memon, Senior Research Analyst (Policy), Ministry of Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Pakistan

15:00 – 15:30

Coffee break

15:30 – 17:30

Session 7 (Co-hosted with European Commission Joint Research Centre): Incorporating Behavioral Dynamics and Lifestyle Changes into Energy Demand Modeling

While the clean energy transition will require substantial changes in energy generation, achieving targets also necessitates significant changes in demand, including lifestyle and behaviors. This session explores methods for incorporating behavioral dynamics and lifestyle changes into energy scenario modeling. Energy planners will enhance their understanding of methodologies for integrating behavior and potential lifestyle changes into energy plans.

Moderator: Marija Miletic, European Commission Joint Research Centre


  • Hazel Pettifor, Senior Research Associate, Oxford University (co-presenting)
  • Alessio Mastrucci, Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) (co-presenting)
  • Alexandra O’Sullivan Fretloft, Advisor, Danish Energy Agency
  • Hannah Daly, Professor, University College Cork

18:30 – 21:00

Dinner (venue TBC)

European Central Time (ECT) Event
8:45 – 9:45

Closed session: Quarterly meeting of LTES Network members and partners

Agenda will be shared prior to the meeting.

9:00 – 10:00

Registration and Coffee

10:00 – 11:30

Session 8 (Co-hosted with VTT Technical Research Ltd., Finland): Communicating and responding to uncertainties in scenarios

Navigating uncertainties is crucial for developing robust Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) that can adapt to changing conditions and inform policy. This session delves into managing uncertainties in LTES and translating them into actionable policy frameworks. Practitioners will gain insights into identifying uncertainties, communicating mitigation measures, and taking action towards implementing these measures.

Moderator: Tiina Koljonen, Research Team Leader, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


  • Marissa Cerezo, Director, Renewable Energy Management Bureau, Department of Energy, The Philippines
  • Joel Flores, Energy Planning Analyst, General Directorate of Energy, Hydrocarbons, and Mines of El Salvador
  • Malene Hovgaard Vested, Advisor, Danish Energy Agency
  • Michelle Akute, Manager – Energy Planning, Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority

11:30 – 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 – 13:15

Session 9: Integrating Hydrogen Development into LTES: Addressing Key Policy Questions

As hydrogen emerges as a key component of future energy systems, integrating it into LTES raises critical policy questions that need addressing. This session identifies and explores key policy questions for developing hydrogen strategies within LTES. Practitioners will gain insights into addressing questions about hydrogen integration and aligning hydrogen strategies with long-term energy plans.

Moderator: James Walker, Team Lead, Renewable Gases, IRENA


  • Francisco Domenech Guzmán, Energy Foresight Analyst, Ministry of Energy, Chile
  • Jessica Arias Gaviria, Deputy Director of Energy Demand, Mining and Energy Planning Unit (UPME), Colombia
  • Florian Knobloch, Senior Policy Advisor, Scenarios and Economic Aspects of Climate Protection and the Energy Transition, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

13:15 – 13:30

Closing of the Forum

Roland Roesch, Director, Innovation and Technology Centre, IRENA

Initiated in 2018, IRENA’s Global Network of Long-Term Energy Scenarios Practitioners (Global LTES Network) provides a global platform to exchange knowledge and good practices in the use and development of scenarios to guide the clean energy transition and promote wider and more effective use of LTES in government for energy and climate policymaking.

At the 5th edition of its annual flagship International Forum on Long-term Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition, IRENA will once again bring together scenario practitioners in government, academia, technical institutions, international organizations, and the private sector. The Forum will focus on alignment between energy and climate planning, the role of scenario planning for de-risking investment for the clean energy transition, scenario communication, lifestyle changes, energy security, and hydrogen integration.

The Forum will take place at the IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre in Bonn, Germany, from 9-11 September 2024 in a hybrid format (on-site and virtual). Registration for in-person attendance is now closed. Registration for virtual participation is available.


You can find the concept note and agenda here.

Please reach out to us at LTES@irena.org if you have any questions.

This event builds on the rich discussions held through the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) LTES Initiative and IRENA’s Global LTES Network. Information on previous iterations of the Forum and other events can be found below: