Standards and certification for improved predictability of heat pump operation
Overview of the status and impact of the innovation
Standards specify the requirements for the performance, quality and safety of appliances such as heat pumps, while certifications verify that the standards are being met. Together, the right standards and certifications help remove the uncertainties and risks inherent in purchasing new technologies and allow buyers to compare options more easily. The details of the standards are also crucial. For heat pumps, for example, standards should be set for their smart operation both as stand-alone systems and as components in an integrated system. Standards and certifications should also consider how systems are designed and installed, for maximum benefit.
Proper standards and certifications for heating and cooling appliances (and for their smart operation) enable residential and commercial customers to buy and operate them with greater confidence and lower risk, accelerating the electrification of heating and cooling. Standards also incentivise manufacturers to improve their products’ efficiency and performance.
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Power to heat and cooling innovations
Innovations (35)
Technology and infrastructure
- 1 Low-temperature heat pumps
- 2 Hybrid heat pumps
- 3 High-temperature heat pumps
- 4 Waste heat-to-power technologies
- 5 High-temperature electricity-based applications for industry
- 6 Low-temperature thermal energy storage
- 7 Medium- and high-temperature thermal energy storage
- 8 Fourth-generation DHC systems
- 9 Fifth-generation DHC systems
- 10 Internet of Things for smart electrification
- 11 Artificial intelligence for forecasting heating and cooling demands
- 12 Blockchain for enabling transactions
- 13 Digitalisation as a flexibility enabler
Market design and regulation
- 14 Dynamic tariffs
- 15 Flexible power purchase agreement
- 16 Flexible power purchase agreement
- 17 Standards and certification for improved predictability of heat pump operation
- 18 Energy efficiency programmes for buildings and industry
- 19 Building codes for power-to-heat solutions
- 20 Streamlining permitting procedures for thermal infrastructure
System planning and operation
Business models
- 28 Aggregators
- 29 Distributed energy resources for heating and cooling demands
- 30 Heating and cooling as a service
- 31 Waste heat recovery from data centres
- 32 Eco-industrial parks and waste heat recovery from industrial processes
- 33 Circular energy flows in cities – booster heat pumps
- 34 Community-owned district heating and cooling
- 35 Community-owned power-to-heat assets