Upcoming Events
Regional Workshop on renewable energy roadmap and flexibility assessment for Central America
The first regional workshop for REmap and FlexTool Central America harmonised awareness of the relevant existing work in the region, exchange the best practices of Central American countries, and shared details of IRENA's REmap and FlexTool analyses.
Accelerating Latin America’s Energy Transformation: RE and Economic Recovery
The Latin-American Organization of Energy (OLADE) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised a webinar promoting dialogue among Governments, development partners and regional and multilateral institutions on the regional and national perspectives for accelerating energy transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Accelerating the Southeast Asian Energy Transformation
The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised a virtual webinar promoting dialogue among Governments, development partners and regional and multilateral institutions on the regional and national perspectives for accelerating energy transformation in the ASEAN region.
REmap UAE Launch
IRENA at European Utility Week 2018
IRENA co-organised two events at European Utility Week 2018, covering 'Managing A High Renewable System' and 'Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Powering the Transport Sector'.
Egypt Renewable Energy Conference
A high-level platform for the launch of IRENA's Renewable Energy Outlook for Egypt. Building on global developments in renewable energy, the event brought together key decision makers and leaders from governments, industry, financial institutions and other key stakeholders in the Arab world, to exchange information on the latest renewable energy developments in the region and to discuss a way forward.
Malaysia Energy Transition Outlook Expert Consultation Workshop
The Workshop brought together energy stakeholders to discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of renewables in Malaysia.
IRENA at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2019
The annual Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) is a platform for an international public and private audience to come together to discuss viable concepts for the ongoing global transformation of the energy sector.