REmap Africa Regional Workshop – Africa Renewable Energy Roadmap to 2030
During the workshop, IRENA presented the draft REmap Africa report to experts and policy makers in Africa to discuss energy policy needs to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy (RE) technologies in the African context and to identify regional cooperation opportunities. The workshop gathered key regional organizations as well as policy makers from IRENA member countries in Africa, and other IRENA member countries, to solicit their views on key policy actions for accelerating the use of renewable energy to supply much needed energy across all sectors in the region. Feedback collected will be reflected in the REmap Africa regional report.
Within the context of REmap 2030, the REmap Africa regional report aims to address how different types of RE technologies could be deployed to significantly scale up RE in Africa and to ensure energy access in line with the SE4ALL aspirational targets. It assesses the costs and benefits associated with different technology deployment pathways and identifies areas of collaboration between countries or within sub-regions of Africa.It also aims to show how Africa’s significant renewable potential is integral to the global energy sector transformation. The report is due to be released at the South Africa International Renewable Energy Conference (SAIREC) in October 2015.
In 2012, the United Nation’s General Assembly declared the time between 2014 and 2024 as the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL). Within the context of SE4ALL, IRENA developed REmap 2030 – a global renewable energy roadmap – in order to assess how an aspirational target of doubling the global renewable energy (RE) share could be put into practice. For further information, visit the REmap website.
For more information about the workshop, please contact Asami Miketa and Deger Saygin.