REmap Kazakhstan expert workshop
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised a consultative workshop to discuss the progress and key insights from REmap Kazakhstan, the renewable energy roadmap aiming to accelerate renewables deployment across Kazakhstan. This workshop was a crucial component of IRENA’s ongoing engagement with the Kazakh government and other stakeholders that are contributing to the development of this roadmap.
The one-day workshop took place on 11 May 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan at the offices of the Ministry of Energy and was attended by more than 40 participants from various government offices, multilateral development banks, industry associations, academia and other relevant stakeholders.
The workshop presented the progress and key insights of the REmap analysis to date and provided an opportunity for all participants to give vital input for the preparation of the REmap analysis and final results to be launched during EXPO 2017 in Astana. The workshop reviewed the available assessment that were prepared by IRENA on the potential, cost and benefits of renewables in Kazakhstan as well as the related investments needs. Additionally, participants discussed the policy needs to accelerate the deployment of renewables.
The workshop presentation slides and an accompanying survey questionnaire where distributed to all participants following the workshop. The inputs resulting from the questionnaire and comments on the presentation will support further refinement of the REmap analysis.