IOREC 2024: 6th International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition
The 6th edition of IOREC will take place in Gaborone Botswana as a part of 2024 SADC Sustainable Energy Week from 24-28 February 2025.
The 6th edition of IOREC will take place in Gaborone Botswana as a part of 2024 SADC Sustainable Energy Week from 24-28 February 2025.
The National Energy Authority and the International Energy Renewable Energy Agency through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative will host the National Expert Workshop to discuss the issues constraining the energy transition efforts with renewable energy deployment and identify opportunities to address these issues and put forward action plans for implementation and addressing cross cutting issues such as capacity and investment.
Every other week, presenters from one of IRENA’s teams – either alone or together with invited guests – will provide focused insights into opportunities, trends, best practices and innovative solutions to address challenges, signpost further sources of more in-depth information and provide an opportunity to engage with IRENA’s experts through Q&A sessions.
The Renewables Energy Assessment (REA) Validation workshop, organized by IRENA in partnership with the Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Electricity of the Republic of Iraq, will focus on the constructive exchange and consolidate the recommendations identified throughout the REA process.
The IRENA Innovation Day: Digital Solutions for the Energy Transition, Abu Dhabi in UAE will focus on digitalisation and the use of e.g. AI, IoT, DLT and Digital Twins for the energy transition.
IRENA will host and actively participate in a number of World Future Energy Summit events taking place between January 14-16 at Abu Dhabi.
The Assembly session will focus on the theme of “Accelerating the Renewable Energy Transition – The Way Forward” (Energy security, Socio-economic development and Financing options).
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) sixth IRENA Youth Forum: The New Generation of Decision Makersg> will convene from 9-13 January 2025 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates at the margins of the fifteenth session of the IRENA Assembly (11-13 January 2025).
This event discussed the current status and possible options to avoid or mitigate the impacts, challenges for further adoption of solutions and possible policies on infrastructure on migratory species and biodiversity and integrate solutions into their energy planning processes.
The event focused on highlighting and disseminating the programme outcomes, which include power sector investment scenarios for Senegal’s official planning process to meet its RE targets.
The capacity building workshop aimed to launch and present the newly developed SolarCity Simulator for Sao Tome and Principe - Principe Island, Bela Vista, and Trindade.
IRENA, in collaboration with GIZ and the Ministry of Energy, Petroleum, and Mines, will host a workshop on December 12th, 2024, in Dakar, Senegal.
The third session of IRENA’s webinar series on the environmental impacts of renewables will be co-organised by IRENA and the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), and focus on opportunities to harness local environmental benefits from renewable energy projects.
The workshop will be organized by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in cooperation with Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Türkiye.
IRENA will co-host this event organized by the Energy Modelling Hub, a Canadian network uniting energy modellers, policymakers, and experts to transform Canada’s energy systems.