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    • IRENA SolarCity Simulator

      The SolarCity Simulator, developed by IRENA, is an innovative web-based platform designed to support its member countries to fully explore the opportunities of deploying solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at the local municipality level.

      Digital content Presentations Energy transition Off-grid for energy access
    • International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference 2012: Key Findings and Recommendations

      IRENA co-organised the International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference (IOREC) along with the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), in Accra, Ghana, on 1-2 November 2012. This report presents the key findings and recommendations that emerged from the roundtable discussions during IOREC.

      Publications Reports Off-grid for energy access
    • Africa Clean Energy Corridor: Analysis of Infrastructure for Renewable Power in Eastern and Southern Africa

      The Africa Clean Energy Corridor initiative aims to transform the continent’s energy mix by promoting the development of clean, indigenous, cost-effective renewable power options. A comprehensive report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) examines the evolving infrastructure of Eastern and Southern Africa for the generation and transmission of electricity, highlighting challenges and opportunities for the rapid scale-up of renewable energy.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Off-grid for energy access
    • Off-grid renewable energy solutions to expand electricity access: An opportunity not to be missed

      This brief takes stock of the opportunity at hand – detailing the dynamism and the innovations in the off-grid renewable energy sector. Building on IRENA’s growing body of work on the topic, it highlights the latest trends and advances, including innovations in delivery and financing models.   

      Publications Reports Off-grid for energy access Energy efficiency Technology Electrification Innovation
    • Accelerating Off-Grid Renewable Energy

      Universal electricity access – one of the targets of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative for 2030 – will remain unachievable unless countries adopt a market-based approach to off-grid renewable energy deployment. This report highlights key findings and recommendations of the Second International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference (IOREC 2014), organised by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in partnership with off-grid and regional agencies.

      Publications Reports Off-grid for energy access
    • 10 Years: Progress to Action

      IRENA's 10th Assembly booklet charts global advances over the past decade and calls for a new Decade of Action on renewables. Comparative graphs and data illuminate the road ahead.

      Publications Reports Targets & NDCs Policy Power Generation Costs Costs Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact Off-grid for energy access Electrification Innovation
    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2022

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2012-2021 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
    • Off-grid renewable energy systems: Status and methodological issues

      With more than a billion people lacking access to electricity, local power-generation solutions are essential to provide sustainable energy to all - particularly those consumers expected to remain isolated from national or regional grids for the foreseeable future. Renewable power generation provides low-cost solutions to bring reliable electricity to rural households or island communities off the main grid. But while off-grid renewable energy systems are expanding rapidly on the ground, data that systematically tracks this progress remains limited.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
    • World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway

      This report guides policy makers to stay on the the 1.5°C path to 2050, explores the socio-economic impacts of the transition and suggests ways to speed progress towards universal access to clean energy.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Collaborative Frameworks CF Critical Materials Energy transition Off-grid for energy access Targets & NDCs Policy Carbon capture Critical materials
    • Renewable Energy Benefits: Decentralised solutions in the agri-food chain

      The number of people without access to electricity is estimated at more than a billion, while almost 2.9 billion still rely on traditional, unsustainable biomass sources such as firewood for cooking and heating. About 80% of those lacking modern energy access live in rural areas, which also host more than 70% of the world’s poor.

      Publications Reports Socio-economic impact Off-grid for energy access
    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2021

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2010-2019 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access Bioenergy & biofuels Technology Hydropower Technology Solar energy Technology
    • Off-grid renewable energy statistics 2020

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2009-2018 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access Energy transition in end uses Policy Bioenergy & biofuels Technology
    • Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report (2022)

      This joint tracking report provides the most comprehensive look available at the world’s progress towards global energy targets on access to electricity, clean cooking, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

      Reports Publications Energy transition Off-grid for energy access
    • Électrification basée sur les énergies renouvelables : Améliorer la prestation des soins de santé au Burkina Faso

      Ce rapport se fonde sur des données primaires provenant d'évaluations des aspects énergétiques dans 40 établissements de santé témoins au Burkina Faso, ainsi que sur des consultations avec les principales parties prenantes et des réunions avec le gouvernement et des experts externes en matière de santé et d’'énergie.

      Publications Energy transition Off-grid for energy access
    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2013-2022 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
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