Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA)


The Renewables Readiness Assessment is a comprehensive tool for assessing the suitability of conditions in different countries for the development and deployment of renewable energy, along with the actions required to improve those conditions. Designed and refined by IRENA since 2011, the RRA is a country-initiated process that identifies short- and medium-term actions for the rapid up-scaling of renewables.

Renewables Readiness Assessment: Design to Action is a guide for countries aspiring to scale up renewable energy. It outlines a process designed for IRENA Member States to help them assess the status and prospects of renewable energy deployment at the national level, identify issues that require urgent attention or promotion, and define concrete actions.

The RRA is designed as a country-led, collaborative instrument bringing together a wide range of stakeholders. The assessment process encompasses five main themes: national energy policy and strategy; institutions and markets; resources and technologies; the establishment of a business model; and the capacity needed to scale-up renewables.

While IRENA produces RRA reports to disseminate valuable country-level knowledge, the ultimate goals of the RRA process are to inspire new initiatives, refine policies and regulations to establish an enabling environment, and identify capacity-building measures and requirements.

In the follow-up to the process, IRENA is ready to act as an interlocutor between development partners and countries in need of support, and to directly assist the implementation of RRA findings. The RRA can also assist in attracting funds and leveraging support, both from the international community and within implementing countries themselves.

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