This is IRENA’s ultimate decision-making authority, made up of one representative from each Member. It convenes annually to discuss and decide upon issues such as the work programme, budget, adoption of reports, applications for membership and potential amendments to agency activities.
The fifteenth session of the IRENA Assembly will take place on 12 and 13 January 2025 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, with related meetings held on 11 January 2025.
First Session (2011): The first IRENA Assembly was the inaugural meeting of IRENA’s supreme governing body. It marked the official launch of IRENA as an international organisation and attracted significant attention. More than 1000 participants attended the Assembly, including one head of state, more than 50 ministers, 30 ministerial-level officials, 670 country delegates, 130 observers and officials, and 70 accredited media.
Second Session (2012): The second IRENA Assembly attracted more than 800 delegates and speakers representing 133 countries and 57 organisations, and including 64 ministers and other high-level officials. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon made a special address to the delegates on the launch of the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All.
Third Session (2013): At the third IRENA Assembly, member states called for the agency to continue scaling-up its work to promote renewable energy worldwide, with a strengthened mission and streamlined structure. Members decided that the agency would serve as a centre of excellence, advisory resource and hub to promote and accelerate renewable energy deployment.
Fourth Session (2014): The fourth session of the Assembly took place on 18 and 19 January 2014 in Abu Dhabi. Many member states highlighted IRENA’s increasing visibility as the global voice for renewable energy.
Fifth Session (2015): At the fifth IRENA Assembly, more than 1000 delegates pushed for rapid expansion of renewable energy. Along with releasing such reports as “Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014” and “Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy & Food Nexus”, IRENA also introduced a renewables search engine, “Resource”, and announced five recipients of IRENA/Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Project Facility loans.
Sixth Session (2016): The sixth session of the Assembly focused on key elements to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, including finance and investment, innovation and power sector transformation. Following the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, IRENA’s Assembly session emphasised solutions, with a portfolio of IRENA tools and resources to support countries, businesses and investors in scaling up renewable-energy use worldwide.
Seventh Session (2017): At the seventh session of the Assembly, strategic and programmatic discussions advanced the central themes of the agency’s work and mandate. The discussions promoted an exchange of information and best practices among members and experts.
Eighth Session (2018): At its eighth session, the Assembly considered and adopted the Work Programme and Budget for 2018-2019, and the Medium-term Strategy 2018-2022, which will guide the Agency’s programmatic work and strategic direction in the coming years. In addition, two Ministerial Roundtables and a Strategic Plenary Ministerial further enabled high-level exchange on topics relevant to the global energy transformation.
Ninth Session (2019): At its ninth session, the Assembly featured two Ministerial Roundtables on energy access and on innovation, a High-Level Segment on the progress of the global energy transformation, and plenary discussions on other key issues of the global energy transformation. On the day preceding the Assembly, regional Ministerial and High-Level meetings as well as the Legislators Forum and the Public-Private Dialogue were held to mobilise action towards a sustainable energy future.
Tenth Session (2020): At its tenth session, the Assembly featured one Ministerial Roundtable on Decarbonisation – Green Hydrogen and two Ministerial Plenary sessions on Renewables Investment in the context of National Energy Planning and Implementation and Hydropower. On the day preceding the Assembly, high-level meetings and thematic meetings in collaboration with stakeholders were held to raise awareness of the importance of renewables and their impact on the energy transformation and sustainable development.
Eleventh Session (2021): At its eleventh session, the Assembly featured a High-level Panel on Energy Transition for Sustainable Post-Covid Recovery, where high-level participants share their views on the role of the energy transition driven by renewables as a response to the pandemic. Four Ministerial plenary meetings were convened, engaging Ministers and High-Level participants on specific topics such as National Energy Planning and Implementation for Fostering Energy Transition, Scaling up Finance for Renewables, Renewables and Pathway to Carbon Neutrality - Innovation, Green Hydrogen and Socioeconomic Policies and Driving the Agenda for Energising Healthcare. On the day preceding the Assembly, high-level meetings and thematic meetings in collaboration with stakeholders were held to raise awareness of the key role of renewables and their impact on the energy transformation and sustainable development, connect policy makers, experts, innovators and civil society representatives worldwide to learn from each other, and share best practice and experiences on issues of common interest.
Twelfth Session (2022): At its twelfth session, the Assembly featured featured a high-level meeting on the follow-up of COP26 and High-level Dialogues on Energy outcomes aligned with the Assembly theme “Energy Transition: From Commitments to Action”. Furthermore, the report on the Geopolitics of Hydrogen was launched, bringing together Ministers and invited High-level contributors, to exchange views on the evolving geopolitical energy landscape and the role of hydrogen, and highlight policy considerations in this dynamic sector. On the day preceding the Assembly, a ministerial event on Africa was also convened to allow for an exchange of perspectives among countries that are most impacted by climate change. A number of Stakeholder Engagement events were organized virtually at the margins of the twelfth IRENA Assembly that brought specific perspectives on the energy transition from parliamentarians, youth and the private sector.
Thirteenth Session (2023): At its thirteenth session, the Assembly, under the overarching theme of ‘World Energy Transition – The Global Stocktake, gathered global leaders and energy decision-makers to take stock of operational plans and policies and highlight the concerted action undertaken to implement the energy transition across countries, regions, and the world. It convened several Ministerial and High-level sessions to facilitate interaction between decision-makers on pressing issues related to the energy transition in the coming decade and beyond, and inform the future work of the Agency. A number of Stakeholder Engagement events were also organised at the margins of the 13th IRENA Assembly to bring specific perspectives on the energy transition from parliamentarians, youth and the private sector.
Fourteenth Session (2024): The fourteenth session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) was held in two parts, on an exceptional basis. The fourteenth Assembly Part I, was held virtually on 15 January 2024 at 15:00 Gulf Standard Time, considered and discussed issues relevant to the Agency’s future work and direction as well as a number of administrative and institutional matters. Part II of the fourteenth session of the Assembly was held in-person on 16–18 April 2024 in Abu Dhabi, in parallel with the World Future Energy Summit (WFES). It delved into the crucial theme of “Outcome of COP28: Infrastructure, Policies and Skills for Tripling Renewables and Accelerating the Energy Transition”. Marking the 4th World Energy Transition Day, the Assembly session also gathered global leaders and energy decision-makers to chart a strategic way forward across countries, regions and the world, in light of the findings of the first Global Stocktake at COP28. Given the urgent need for extraordinary levels of political momentum and international cooperation, several Ministerial and High-level sessions were convened as part of the Assembly session, as well as during the Pre-Assembly Day on 16 April 2024. In line with the inclusive nature of discussions, the Legislators Forum, Public-Private Dialogue and Youth Forum will continue to provide opportunities for insights and discussions with and among actors that are vital to our collective ambition in achieving a just and inclusive future, based on renewables.