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    • Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation

      Power systems need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate rising solar and wind shares. This brief examines the uses of demand-side flexibility, outlines solutions to achieve these, and highlights examples in actual power systems.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy
    • Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico Para la Transición Energética

      Este informe de la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) describe un método para potencial la flexibilidad del sistema eléctrico desde el punto de vista de la planificación, específicamente para acomodar la mayor participación posible de energía renovable variable (solar y eólica).

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning
    • Evaluación de la Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico de Panamá

      Panamá ha colaborado con la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) para llevar acabo un análisis de flexibilidad del sistema eléctrico. El estudio con la herramienta FlexTool de IRENA para este país considera las implicaciones de una alta penetración de energía solar y eólica, o energía renovable variable (ERV), en los próximos años.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning
    • Colombia power system flexibility assessment

      Colombia engaged with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to assess the flexibility of the electricity mix proposed in their latest national expansion plan which pointed to VRE penetration exceeding IRENA’s Renewable Energy Roadmaps (REmap) estimates.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning
    • Panama power system flexibility assessment

      Panama engaged with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to carry out a flexibility analysis for the power system considering a high penetration of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE).

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Towards 100% renewable energy: Utilities in transition

      This white paper, developed by the IRENA Coalition for Action, explores the role of energy utilities in the energy transition and outlines the achievements and implementation strategies of national, regional and local utilities switching to 100% renewable energy. The paper also includes an updated global mapping of national and sub-national 100% renewable energy targets.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Power system flexibility Planning Energy transition in end uses Policy Coalition for Action
    • Evaluación de la Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico de Colombia

      Colombia ha colaborado con la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) para evaluar la flexibilidad del parque de generación propuesto en los planes nacionales de expansión. El último plan reclama una penetración ambiciosa de energía solar y eólica que excede incluso las estimaciones del programa REmap de IRENA.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning
    • Power system flexibility for the energy transition

      This report outlines a planning approach to boost flexibility, specifically to accommodate the largest possible shares of variable renewable (solar and wind) energy sources. 

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • Uruguay power system flexibility assessment

      Uruguay engaged with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to explore the use of IRENA’s FlexTool methodology and see how this methodology could fit into the country’s planning process.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning
    • Malaysia energy transition outlook

      The Malaysia energy transition outlook provides a comprehensive, renewables-focused, long-term energy pathway for the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system in Malaysia.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Country Energy transition Power system flexibility Energy efficiency
    • Evaluación de la Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico de Uruguay

      Uruguay ha colaborado con la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) para explorar la posible incorporación de la metodología de la herramienta FlexTool de IRENA en el proceso de planificación energética del país.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning
    • Events

      Regional Training on the Planning and the Operation of Grids with Higher Shares of VRE

      In the framework of the implementation of the West Africa Clean Energy Corridor (WACEC), which was validated, adopted and endorsed by the countries of the West Africa region in 2016 – 2017, IRENA has launched a capacity building programme in the region in collaboration with relevant stakeholders of the ECOWAS power sector (ECREEE, WAPP, ERERA and GIZ).

    • Events

      Regional Training on the Planning and the Operation of Grids with Higher Shares of VRE

      In the framework of the implementation of the West Africa Clean Energy Corridor (WACEC), which was validated, adopted and endorsed by the countries of the West Africa region in 2016 – 2017, IRENA has launched a capacity building programme in the region in collaboration with relevant stakeholders of the ECOWAS power sector (ECREEE, WAPP, ERERA and GIZ).

    • Events

      Renewable Energy Deployment in Latin America

      In the framework of the OLADE Experts Meeting, IRENA and OLADE jointly organised a workshop focused on opportunities for accelerating the energy transformation in Latin America.

    • Events

      IRENA at IEW 2019

      During the 38th edition of the International Energy Workshop (IEW) on 3 June 2019 in Paris, France, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held a side event to discuss recent debates around the concept of “grid integration costs”.

    • Events

      Global Renewable Energy Forum 2019: The Road to Carbon-neutrality

      GREF 2019  focused on pathways towards carbon-neutrality by 2050, analysing the current status of renewable energy policies and decarbonisation pathways from different perspectives and highlight the role of hydrogen and power-to-x pathways — focusing on improving the understanding of hydrogen ‘as a low-carbon technology option’ and analysing the existing barriers and solutions needed to accelerate its deployment. 

    • Events

      CECCA Regional Meeting

      The Assessing Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements Meeting focused on the findings from the CECCA’s technical and regulatory components, and train stakeholders on IRENA’s PPA assessment tool.

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