IRENA (2018), Power System Flexibility for the Energy Transition, Part 1: Overview for policy makers, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
Power system flexibility for the energy transition
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Growing shares of solar and wind power call for increasingly flexible power systems.
This report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) outlines a planning approach to boost flexibility, specifically to accommodate the largest possible shares of variable renewable (solar and wind) energy sources.
The report comes in two parts:
- Part 1: Overview for policy makers outlines a range of options to scale up system flexibility.
- Part 2: IRENA FlexTool methodology provides guidance for technical experts on the use of the underlying assessment tool. See also the Summary of the Methodology.
Find out more about IRENA FlexTool and its training materials.
National flexibility assessments, highlight the application of the IRENA FlexTool in existing real-world situations.
See the case studies on:
Flexible generation, stronger transmission and distribution systems, increasing storage capacity and demand-side management all help to boost system flexibility, as do renewable-based heat and production. Increased flexibility should also contribute to long-term decarbonisation, which is essential to ensure a sustainable energy future.
E-mail us for questions and comments on the FlexTool.