Global geothermal market and technology assessment
This global assessment provides an overview of developments in the geothermal sector and the factors that will shape the geothermal market in the near future.
This global assessment provides an overview of developments in the geothermal sector and the factors that will shape the geothermal market in the near future.
This Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA), developed in co-operation with the Honduran Energy Secretariat (SEN), identifies key barriers and solutions to meet Honduras’ targets for renewable energy development and expansion.
Esta Evaluación del estado de Preparación de las Energías Renovables (RRA), desarrollada en cooperación con la Secretaría de Energía de Honduras (SEN), identifica las principales barreras y soluciones para alcanzar los objetivos de Honduras para el desarrollo y expansión de energías renovables.
The session covered presentation on methodology for developing the SolarCity simulator with a live demonstration in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.