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Renewables Readiness Assessment: Honduras

This Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA), developed in co-operation with the Honduran Energy Secretariat (SEN), identifies key barriers and solutions to meet Honduras’ targets for renewable energy development and expansion.


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In its Energy Roadmap 2050 and National Plan 2010-2022, Honduras has set a target to achieve an 80% share of renewable energy in the country’s total electricity generation by 2038, up from the current 60%. However, national renewable energy and sustainable development ambitions in Honduras face important infrastructure constraints. For example, significant investment is needed to enhance the quality of energy and water services, including improvements in coverage and connectivity.

This Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA), developed in co-operation with the Honduran Energy Secretariat (SEN), identifies the key actions required to overcome existing barriers and expand renewable energy development.

It outlines a series of recommendations for strengthening energy institutions and governance; enhancing energy policy and regulatory frameworks for the renewable energy sector; promoting sustainable development and energy efficiency; strengthening the electricity industry; increasing investments in renewable energy technologies and infrastructure; and strengthening institutional and human capacities.