Upcoming Events
Collaborative Framework on Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions - Consultation on Workforce Development Priorities and Experiences
This consultation provided a platform for exchange for country and stakeholder experiences on the topics of skilling, education and inclusion to build the workforce of tomorrow.
Launch of the Renewable Energy & Jobs: A Decade of Progress
IRENA and ILO are pleased to invite you to the launch of the tenth edition of Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review: Renewable Energy & Jobs: A Decade of Progress.
Technical workshop for RE Benefits Measuring the Economics Phase 2
The purpose of the meeting is to have a detailed technical workshop with the company carrying out the analytical work (Cambridge Econometrics). The meeting is jointly organised by IRENA’s Policy Unit and Cambridge Econometrics. The workshop will include discussion on the scenarios, the key exogenous assumptions, the main methodological challenges and the data required at length. The output of the workshop will set out the scenarios to be modelled, and the key assumptions and data sources for each scenario. It will also outline the full range of sensitivities to be explored, and the precise assumptions to be used in the variant model runs.