IRENA for Climate Investment Platform
Climate Investment Platform
The Climate Investment Platform: A joint initiative of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), in collaboration with the Green Climate Fund (GCF). CIP’s mandate is to increase capital mobilisation and RE impact investing in developing countries.
The CIP is a demand-driven platform that facilitates the development and scale up of renewable energy technologies through tailored technical assistance to Member countries. Project proponents, registered in the platform, are considered for technical assistance and project facilitation support to reach commercial feasibility readiness for financing matchmaking with registered financial institutions.
How to submit a request for project support
IRENA invites renewable energy projects to submit applications for CIP project development support and access to finance.
To be eligible for the CIP support, your project must (be):
- Contribute to Clean Energy Transition
- Aligned with relevant Sustainable Development Goals
- Consistent and aligned with national climate action priorities
- Beyond the conceptual stage and completed pre-feasibility or preliminary studies.
Register and submit your project proposal by clicking here and acquire financial and/or technical assistance for your renewable energy project:
How to become a CIP Partner
If you are an entity seeking to support the uptake of renewable energy through investments, technical assistance, academia, research or similar services through the CIP, please register by clicking the button below.
If the type of support you wish to provide aligns with the CIP criteria, we will contact you to further explore our partnership.
On an ongoing basis, we will inform you of CIP events, including Investment Forums and other related activities.
CIP Support Lifecycle
Partner process
Select a relevant operational cluster for the conduct of Investment Forums
Investment Forums
Investment Forums constitute a key element of IRENA’s strategy to increase impact on the ground. They add significant value in enabling investments in renewable energy projects and provide an effective organising framework for the implementation of the CIP through a sub-regional approach. The Forums have two main aims: to strengthen the ability of decision-makers to produce a strong enabling environment for renewable energy investments; and help the developers to prepare bankable projects and access finance.
Each Investment Forum will focus on a cluster of countries allowing activities to be adjusted to specific needs of countries. Accordingly, IRENA has identified 14 operational clusters that are designed to facilitate sub-regional activities for analytical, technical and project support. Such clustering will be kept as flexible as possible to allow countries to engage in one or more clusters.
Read more about the sub-regional clusters below and Submit a Request under the relevant cluster to obtain support from IRENA and other CIP partners for project development and/or access to finance for renewable energy projects.
IRENA’s Investment Forums will be structured around three main phases:
Phase 1: Development of a project pipeline
Development of a solid project pipeline could include potentially bankable project proposals as well as promising project ideas and proposals at early conceptual stages, which may compete for project preparation support. Two main avenues are considered for project identification: Renewable Energy Digital Interface based on the latest IRENA project facilitation tools, and country-level interactions with public and private stakeholders and exchanges with partner organisations.
Phase 2: Investment Forum event
The scope of activities of each Forum will be tailored to the specific needs of each cluster. This will be determined in consultations with governments, regional stakeholders and partner organisations.
Forums will have two main segments:
- Project Support: This consists of activities to facilitate the matchmaking of projects. In this segment, IRENA and its partners will create opportunities for potentially bankable projects to be considered for funding.
- Enabling Frameworks for Investment: This segment will promote dialogue on how to improve investment conditions in the countries of sub-region. Private sector and other stakeholders will come and present their perspective on the main challenges hindering renewable energy investments, what policy and regulatory action needs to be taken and where local capacities need to be strengthened to improve conditions for energy transition investments. Based on this input, IRENA, together with partners, will follow up with the sub-region to provide tailored technical assistance and capacity building activities.
An additional dimension of the Investment Forums is to provide an avenue to dissemination the knowledge and provide Capacity Building activities tailored to each sub-region. This will build on IRENA’s knowledge products, partnerships and regional action agendas, while incorporating key lessons from each sub-region and beyond.
Phase 3: Post-forum project support
After the Forum, the Agency will continue following up with the projects that received interest by financiers and/or investors. Where feasible, IRENA or its partners may support the projects towards the financial closure. This support may include aiding developers in meeting investors and lenders requirements, facilitating access to suitable financing and/or risk mitigation instruments, and other activities. IRENA or its partners may also support governments and other relevant stakeholders by providing technical advisory and capacity support in selected policy, regulatory and technical areas to strengthen the investment environment for renewables.
Sub-regional Investment Forums and associated activities will be organised as regular event cycles.