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IRENA for Climate Investment Platform

Investment Forums in West Africa


By adopting a ground-breaking policy, ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy (EREP), aims to increase Renewable Energy shares in West Africa’s overall electricity generation mix, which will provide access to sustainable energy services across 15 Member States.

Regional targets call for investments up to USD 34 billion by 2030 for mini-grids and USD 193.6 billion over the same time span. Thus, addressing barriers to enable frameworks that attract the private sector, as well as the development of a regional power market at both regional and national levels is crucial.

The West Africa Investment Forum aims to scale up renewable energy investments in the region, support project development and implementation, and contribute to the creation of policy and regulatory frameworks conducive to renewable energy investments.

The regional forum is part of IRENA’s contribution to the Climate Investment Platform (CIP), which aims to advance sustainable energy projects to investment maturity and facilitate their access to finance.

Key forum activities include matchmaking between projects, project developers, and potential financiers and investors. Renewable energy projects, along with renewable-based electricity grid and energy efficiency projects, may be considered for support.

The West Africa Investment Forum 2022 is scheduled to take place on 31st October and 2nd November 2022, as part of the ‘International Energy Transition Week Nigeria’ co-hosted by IRENA, the Government of Nigeria and ECOWAS, through the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE). More details on the week and the events can be found here.


Submit a Request to obtain support for project development and/or access to finance for a renewable energy project in West Africa.


How to submit a request for project support

Submit a Request to obtain support for project development and/or access to finance for a renewable energy project.

Submit a Project

IRENA for CIP West Africa