The Pan-Arab Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy, 2010–2030 adopted at the third Arab Economic and Social Development Summit by the League of Arab States (LAS, or the Arab League) in 2013 created a foundation for regional co-operation to drive renewable energy deployment in the Arab world. Leaders committed to increasing the region’s installed renewable power generation capacity from 12 gigawatts (GW) in 2013 to 80 GW in 2030.
To support this strategy, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) partnered with the Arab League and the Cairo-based Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) to identify a series of actions to increase renewable energy investments, using guidance from the Arab League and in response to their renewable energy aspirations. These initiatives, endorsed by the Arab Ministerial Council in September 2014, are contained in the report, “Pan-Arab renewable energy strategy 2030: Roadmap of actions for implementation".
The Pan-Arab Clean Energy Initiative (PACE), which was included in the roadmap, is a regional initiative that aims to promote the integration of greater shares of renewables into power systems in the Arab region.
Utilising a phased approach, IRENA has engaged with the Arab League, RCREEE and other key regional partners to support Arab States in their implementation of the PACE initiative through the development of a multi-year action plan, which was approved by the Arab League Technical Committee in September 2017 for submission to the next Arab League Electricity Ministerial for endorsement and implementation.
Partnership with RCREE
IRENA has partnered with Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) to implement the PACE initiative. Beyond the PACE, institutions will work closely together to adapt their collaborative activities to new challenges faced in the development of renewable energy and identify opportunities for scaling up renewable energy deployment to increase climate action ambition at national and sub-national levels, aligned with their commitments in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Energy Scenarios, among others.
Engagement with the League of Arab States
IRENA has engaged with the Arab League and RCREEE to develop the Pan Arab Clean Energy initiative Action Plan.
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Past Events
31 August 2022-1 September 2022 Bali, Indonesia
G20 Energy Transitions Investment Forum
21-22 March 2022 Virtual
Consultative Workshop on IRENA North African Power Pool Modelling