NDCs and Renewable Energy Targets
The presentation offers insights into net zero targets and renewable energy component of NDCs.
The Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation: The Hydrogen Factor
The Director-General’s presentation on the key findings of the report focusing on the role of hydrogen in the geopolitics of energy at the 12th Session of the IRENA Assembly.
Renewable Energy Roadmap: Nigeria
A presentation on the Renewable Energy Roadmap: Nigeria report which highlights the need for sustainable energy sources to meet the growing needs of Nigeria's economy and population.
Long-Term Energy Scenarios to support national energy transition plans in Asia: The Philippines
Presentation by Michael O Sinocruz, Director Energy Policy and Planning Bureau, Department of Energy, The Philippines.
Renewables Readiness Assessment: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
A presentation of the recommendations and key findings on Jordan’s renewable energy transition.
Showcasing the Global Green Hydrogen Opportunity
The Director-General’s speech on the potential of hydrogen for renewables at Reuters Hydrogen 2021.
Green Recovery Policies: Examples of Transformative Change in Renewable Energy
Employment opportunities and challenges in renewable energy sector at the Global Academy on the Green Economy organised by PAGE and ITC-ILO.
Offshore Renewables: Fostering a Blue Economy
Key recommendations to utilise offshore renewables at the G20 Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG).
IRENA’s Engagement in Southeast Asia and Indonesia: Prospects for Energy Transitions and Implications for Energy Companies
A presentation of the renewable energy landscape and policies in Southeast Asia.
Reaching Zero with Renewables: Eliminating CO2 Emissions from Industry and Transport in line with the 1.5C Climate Goal
Recommendations for decarbonisation of transport and industry presented at the COP26.
Reaching Zero with Renewables: Green Commodities in the Industry Sector
A keynote speech on the potential of green commodities at webinar organised by the EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network and RCREEE.
A New Energy Future: The Way to a Sustainable Recovery
Keynote speech by the Director-General on the role of renewable energy in sustainable development in a webinar organised by Renewable Energy Institute.
Facilitating Small Island Developing States Access to Investment through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative
IRENA highlights the workings of the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative and Climate Investment Platform (CIP) to support SIDS in their energy transition through the implementation of NDCs.
Enabling Low-Temperature Renewable District Energy in Cities
The presentation offers an insight into the integration of renewable energy in district heating and cooling systems as part of a workshop organised by IRENA in collaboration with Aalborg University with the support of the Chinese Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI).
Policies and Strategies for Combating Air Pollution in Commonwealth Countries: Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa
An analysis of the development of renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2021
The special edition of IRENA’s Annual Review, developed in cooperation with ILO, features labour and policy perspectives on renewable energy employment.
Renewable Energy: A Gender Perspective
A review of the current situation of gender imbalance in renewable energy sector and the barriers to women’s participation in the industry.
Antigua and Barbuda: Renewable Energy Roadmap
The Roadmap charts a path for the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, providing options for achieving a 100% renewable energy share in both the power and transport sectors.
Renewables Readiness Assessment: The Republic of Tunisia
The report outlines recommendations to help Tunisia achieve its 30% renewables goal while boosting growth and development.
Fostering Livelihoods with Decentralised Renewable Energy: An Ecosystems Approach
This brief discusses the ’ecosystem’ necessary for linking electricity services through decentralised renewable energy with people’s livelihoods.
Policies and regulations for private sector renewable energy mini-grids
The report examines the specificities of mini-grids connected to solar, biomass, wind and small hydropower, or some combination of these with other energy sources, and discusses the key factors influencing investors in mini-grid projects.
Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation
Power systems need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate rising solar and wind shares. This brief examines the uses of demand-side flexibility, outlines solutions to achieve these, and highlights examples in actual power systems.
Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: A collection of good practices
This collection aims to provide a reference for policy makers and practitioners working to scale up bioenergy in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Energy, agriculture, forestry, environment, finance and business experts all seek for solutions to provide energy and also enhance food security, social welfare and environmental sustainability.
Rise of renewables in cities
Cities have emerged as a key focus of global climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. This report highlights resource potential, targets, technology options and planning priorities.