Capacity Building on Long-Term Energy Planning in the Republic of Cameroon
IRENA has been supporting the government of Cameroon for the implementation of this capacity building programme for the development of a national renewable energy master plan, as per the request formulated by the country. As part of this programme a first training was held on 12 – 19 July 2021, followed by a second one on 23-27 August 2021. A third training was held on 6-10 December 2021. The programme aims to enhance energy planning capacity within national institutions on long-term planning through training on the SPLAT-MESSAGE model and the development of energy scenarios, to enable the national working team to prepare a national renewable energy master plan.
This fourth training course focused on the review of current report draft in more detail and the identification of areas that require additional data/research. Significant time was allocated for progress towards the finalization of the draft report.
The course was led by IRENA experts and attended by the core working team – energy planning professionals from the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy (MINEE), Cameroon Electricity Company (ENEO Cameroon), Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED), National Society of Electricity Transport (SONATREL), Rural Electrification Agency (AER).
Meeting was closed, by invitation only.