climate action

NDC analysis by country


The International Renewable Energy Agency delivers climate action support to its Member States, upon their request, by providing analyses to assist them in revising and implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. These technology and infrastructure briefs comprise assessments of renewable energy technology options, as well as other relevant data and inputs to inform climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

NDC Reports

    Antigua and Barbuda: Technology plan for road transport electrification with renewables

    This technical report summarises the main outcomes and findings of an IRENA assessment of a plan for transport electrification with renewables on Antigua. The report comes in response to a request for support from Antigua and Barbuda to inform the implementation of its Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement. It evaluates the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of different road fleet electrification scenarios and provides recommendations for setting short- and medium-term targets for the transport sector.

    Sao Tome and Principe: Assessment of cost-effective mitigation options for NDC implementation

    Through the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative, and in support of Sao Tome and Principe’s implementation of its Nationally Determined Contributions, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of mitigation options available to the country’s power sector. The aim of this study is to support climate policy decision makers by providing information that can assist in the prioritisation of mitigation measures in the power sector, both for the NDC implementation phase and for long-term sectoral plans.

    El Salvador: Renewable energy technology plan and mitigation analysis in the agro-industrial sector

    This technology plan and mitigation assessment for El Salvador demonstrates that it is feasible and economically advantageous to set targets beyond the power sector for renewable energy technologies in end-use sectors – such as the agro-industry subsector – by promoting direct use of renewables for heat processes. The study serves as a foundation for establishing new mitigation and co-adaptation targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions that will inform the revision of the country’s NDC.

    The Gambia: Assessing the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy technology options

    Based on a cost-effectiveness analysis of mitigation options for the power sector in The Gambia, this study finds that utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV), solar water heating and reductions in transmission and distribution network losses present the highest potential GHG emissions savings for the country.

    Saint Kitts and Nevis: Assessment of cost-effective mitigation options to inform the update of the NDC

    This analysis of cost-effective emissions mitigation options in Saint Kitts and Nevis aims to inform the update of the country’s NDC, and to provide recommendations for setting greenhouse gas reduction targets. The report identifies a total of six mitigation options in the power sector. In addition, three aggregated alternatives are presented that combine various individual mitigation options based on project maturity and potential island interconnection, while a further two alternatives are evaluated for the transport sector.