Leveraging Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) to Attract Investments: Bridging Planning and Funding for Energy Transitions
A presentation on Energy Transition and investment status in Brazil.
Leveraging Long-Term Energy Scenarios Planning Frameworks to Mobilize Climate Finance in Latin America & the Caribbean
A presentation on Energy Planning Frameworks and Climate Finance Mobilization in LAC.
Scene-setting presentation: Energy planning to drive investment
A presentation on Scenario Planning and Investment.
IRENA National Energy Transition Planning Dashboard
A presentation on the IRENA National Energy Transition Planning Dashboard, a global repository of official energy planning documents and modelling tools developed and/or used by governmental institutions for official planning purposes.
Renewables Readiness Assessment: The Republic of Tunisia
The report outlines recommendations to help Tunisia achieve its 30% renewables goal while boosting growth and development.
Avancées dans la planification du système électrique continental pour l'Afrique
Ce rapport décrit la méthodologie et la conception du modèle SPLAT-CMP, le cadre de modélisation pour l'expansion de la capacité de production d'électricité et de transport qui sous-tend le plan directeur continental pour l'Afrique (CMP).
Estimating the Renewable Energy Potential in Africa: A GIS-based approach
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) have examined the potential for renewable power generation based on resource availability all over Africa.
Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation
Power systems need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate rising solar and wind shares. This brief examines the uses of demand-side flexibility, outlines solutions to achieve these, and highlights examples in actual power systems.
Southern African Power Pool: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy
With the energy systems of many African countries dominated by fossil-fuel sources that are vulnerable to global price volatility, regional and intra-continental power systems with high shares of renewable energy can provide least-cost option to support continued economic growth and address the continent’s acute energy access problem. Unlocking Africa’s huge renewable energy potential could help to take many people out of poverty, while ensuring the uptake of sustainable technologies for the continent’s long-term development.
Planification et perspectives pour les énergies renouvelables: Afrique de l’Ouest
Les énergies renouvelables à faible coût jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l’offre d’électricité en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce rapport présente trois grands scénarios pour la croissance des énergies renouvelables dans les systèmes d’énergie de la région, notamment en ce qui concerne les principaux objectifs nationaux et régionaux.
Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico Para la Transición Energética
Este informe de la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) describe un método para potencial la flexibilidad del sistema eléctrico desde el punto de vista de la planificación, específicamente para acomodar la mayor participación posible de energía renovable variable (solar y eólica).
Unleashing West Africa’s renewable energy potential: Reports on solar and wind opportunities
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) presents two reports demonstrating its ground-breaking renewable energy resource-assessment tool, concentrating on the region of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS):
Evaluación de la Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico de Panamá
Panamá ha colaborado con la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) para llevar acabo un análisis de flexibilidad del sistema eléctrico. El estudio con la herramienta FlexTool de IRENA para este país considera las implicaciones de una alta penetración de energía solar y eólica, o energía renovable variable (ERV), en los próximos años.
Renewables Readiness Assessment: Paraguay
This report examines Paraguay’s energy institutions and their governance, long-term energy planning practices, and the socio-economic benefits of promoting renewable and low-carbon technologies in the end-use sectors.
Colombia power system flexibility assessment
Colombia engaged with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to assess the flexibility of the electricity mix proposed in their latest national expansion plan which pointed to VRE penetration exceeding IRENA’s Renewable Energy Roadmaps (REmap) estimates.
Pool Énergétique d’Afrique de l’Ouest: Planification et perspectives pour les énergies renouvelables
Ce rapport examine divers scénarios d'adoption accélérée des énergies renouvelables, sur la base d'un outil de modélisation développé par l'IRENA et testé avec l'aide de la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO).
Towards 100% renewable energy: Utilities in transition
This white paper, developed by the IRENA Coalition for Action, explores the role of energy utilities in the energy transition and outlines the achievements and implementation strategies of national, regional and local utilities switching to 100% renewable energy. The paper also includes an updated global mapping of national and sub-national 100% renewable energy targets.
African Renewable Electricity Profiles for Energy Modelling Database: Hydropower
IRENA’s new spatiotemporal data atlas, AfREP-Hydro, covers all existing and several hundred committed, planned and potential future hydropower plants across Africa.
Thailand power system flexibility assessment
A FlexTool study on Thailand's power system suggests cost-efficient investment options and provides a sensitivity analysis to find ways to reach high shares of renewables.
Africa Power Sector: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy (synthesis report)
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has conducted quantitative assessments of the prospects for renewable energy deployment in Africa’s five regional power pools. This synthesis report summaries the findings of those five regional power studies, adding a consolidated outlook for the continent. The report also explains the energy-modelling approach employed and suggests the way forward for promoting renewable energy in Africa.
Insights on planning for power system regulators
This report identifies useful regulatory practices for the era of rapidly improving renewable energy technologies. It draws key insights from experiences with integrated resource planning (IRP) in South Africa and the US.
Planning and prospects for renewable power: Eastern and Southern Africa
East and Southern African countries possess vast potential for renewable energy development. This report assesses the prospects for the power sector in the countries of the ACEC through 2040.
Evaluación de la Flexibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico de Uruguay
Uruguay ha colaborado con la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) para explorar la posible incorporación de la metodología de la herramienta FlexTool de IRENA en el proceso de planificación energética del país.
West African Power Pool: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy
This report examines various scenarios for accelerated renewable energy uptake, based on a modelling tool developed by IRENA and tested with assistance from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).