SIDS Pave the Path to Prosperity, Resilience and Sustainable Development
The SIDS Lighthouses Initiative (LHI) held a high-level session to inspire continued collaboration to support SIDS in charting their course towards resilient prosperity.
The SIDS Lighthouses Initiative (LHI) held a high-level session to inspire continued collaboration to support SIDS in charting their course towards resilient prosperity.
Amid challenges and ongoing rescue, decentralized hydropower solutions bring hope and tangible benefits to communities in Mount Hagen and Hogave, Papua New Guinea.
Recognizing the pivotal role of the international community, SIDS are calling for increased support in scaling up renewables and energy efficiency to unlock the numerous benefits of the energy transition.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and The Pacific Community (SPC) strengthened their partnership to promote the acceleration of renewable energy deployment in the Pacific Island countries and territories through the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Lighthouses Initiative (LHI).
IRENA, through its SIDS Lighthouse Initiative (LHI), has been actively working with small islands towards accelerating the development of renewable energy projects.
IRENA through the SIDS LHI and with the support of the OECS organised a capacity building activity in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, to enhance the capability of policymakers, power utilities and regulators to design, negotiate and implement bankable PPAs.
IRENA and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) hosted, “Closing the Gap: securing lives, creating livelihoods in Small Islands Developing States” session at COP27 on 16 November.
SIDS continue to accelerate the uptake of renewables to mitigate future impacts and adapt to global uncertainties.
The capacity building roundtable for islands in the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea was organised by IRENA through its SIDS Lighthouses Initiative.
Recognising its invaluable promotion of sustainable development in SIDS, IRENA received the first ever “UN SIDS Partnerships Award” in the environmental category.