Active filters: 2
    • Offshore wind energy: Patent insight report

      This joint report by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) uses patent statistics to explore innovation trends in the offshore wind supply chain, revealing key technological developments in the industry.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Energy efficiency Wind energy
    • Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook

      This report provides a comprehensive, renewables-focused, long-term energy pathway for the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system in Indonesia.

      Publications Country Energy transition
    • Climate Action Support 2024

      This report examines national and regional efforts to enhance and implement climate targets, and the related support provided by IRENA through its various work packages, including those concerned with NDCs.

      Publications Reports Climate Action Energy transition
    • Renewable solutions in end-uses: Heat pump costs and markets

      This report provides an overview of heat pump technologies and their applications, discusses building stock and the implications for the use of heat pumps in both new and old buildings and examines recent market developments.

      Publications Reports Costs Stationary Applications Costs
    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: North Africa

      This report shows the importance of regional coordination in long-term planning, by showcasing collective opportunities for North African countries to diversify their electricity generation mixes and reduce their reliance on fossil fuel resources by 2040.

      Publications Reports Planning Long term energy planning
    • The changing role of hydropower: Challenges and opportunities

      This report is aimed at policy makers and hydropower practitioners to raise awareness among IRENA stakeholders regarding hydropower’s perceived challenges and needs, and to serve as a catalyst for debate in the context of IRENA’s Collaborative Framework on Hydropower.

      Publications Reports CF Hydropower Collaborative Frameworks Hydrogen
    • Malaysia energy transition outlook

      The Malaysia energy transition outlook provides a comprehensive, renewables-focused, long-term energy pathway for the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system in Malaysia.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Country Energy transition Power system flexibility Energy efficiency
    • Global landscape of renewable energy finance 2023

      Global investment in renewables must triple to meet climate and development goals. This report provides recommendations to scale up public funds and channel them more towards developing economies.

      Publications Reports Geothermal energy Global Geothermal Alliance
    • Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: South Africa

      This report builds on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook to support energy transition planning and informed policy making in South Africa, and calls for a comprehensive policy framework that can advance the transition whilst safeguarding people, livelihoods and jobs.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Socio-economic impact
    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: Central Africa

      Building on previous editions of the series, this report explores the power sector landscape of Central Africa, providing analysis of potential scenarios for long-term development of the sector in the region.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Planning
    • World Energy Transitions Outlook 2024

      IRENA’s 1.5°C Scenario, set out in the World Energy Transitions Outlook, presents a pathway to achieve the 1.5°C target by 2050, positioning electrification and efficiency as key transition drivers, enabled by renewable energy, clean hydrogen and sustainable biomass.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Finance & investment
    • North Africa: Policies and finance for renewable energy

      The brief by IRENA, highlights North Africa’s large renewable energy potential and explores its current policy environment to support the energy transition and the deployment of renewable energy in the coming years.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Finance & investment Policy
    • Scaling up renewable energy investments in West Africa

      This brief identifies key recommendations and subsequent action points for scaling up renewable energy investments in West Africa, covering various policy, financial and technical dimensions, and emphasising the immense opportunities and advantages that renewable energy can bring to the region.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Coalition for Action
    • Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023

      This publication presents statistics for the decade 2013-2022 in trilingual tables, covering off-grid power capacity, biogas production and numbers of people using off-grid power and biogas for cooking and lighting.

      Publications Reports Statistics Off-grid for energy access
    • World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5°C Pathway

      IRENA’s 1.5°C Scenario, set out in the World Energy Transitions Outlook, presents a pathway to achieve the 1.5°C target by 2050, positioning electrification and efficiency as key transition drivers, enabled by renewable energy, clean hydrogen and sustainable biomass.

      Publications Reports CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Energy transition Finance & investment
You’ve viewed 25 of 575 results