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    • Ocean Energy: Technologies, Patents, Deployment Status and Outlook

      The potential of oceans as an energy source is staggering – more than sufficient to meet global electricity demand well into the future. Ocean resources vary from tidal currents and waves, to temperature and salinity gradients.

      Publications Reports Ocean Technology
    • Community Energy Toolkit: Best practices for broadening the ownership of renewables

      This white paper, developed by the IRENA Coalition for Action, analyses 11 renewable energy initiatives from across the world, showcasing ways in which communities actively participate in energy decision making bringing socio-economic impacts to societies.

      Publications Reports CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact Coalition for Action
    • Renewable energy finance: Institutional capital

      Transforming the global energy system calls for massive mobilisation of capital. This brief provides recommendations to harness institutional investment for renewable energy projects.

      Publications Reports Finance & investment
    • Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation

      Power systems need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate rising solar and wind shares. This brief examines the uses of demand-side flexibility, outlines solutions to achieve these, and highlights examples in actual power systems.

      Publications Reports Power system flexibility Planning Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy
    • Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: A collection of good practices

      This collection aims to provide a reference for policy makers and practitioners working to scale up bioenergy in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Energy, agriculture, forestry, environment, finance and business experts all seek for solutions to provide energy and also enhance food security, social welfare and environmental sustainability.

      Publications Reports Bioenergy & biofuels Technology Bioenergy Policy
    • Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters

      This guide is part of a series prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in the field of quality infrastructure (QI) for small-scale renew¬able energy technologies. Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters analyses the challenges and offers recommendations for developing QI for solar water heaters (SWHs), as well as highlighting the experiences of several countries in developing and implementing QI for SWHs. The SWH guide concludes by applying guidelines for incrementally developing QI to the particular case of SWH markets.

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation Solar energy Technology
    • Boosting solar PV markets: The role of quality infrastructure

      This handbook outlines the best practices to develop and implement Quality Infrastructure for solar PV and, based on case studies, offers quantified cost-benefit analysis for QI implementation at different stages of PV plant development. The data and analysis provides guidance for establishing proper QI mechanisms, showcased through successful experiences with utility-scale, distributed-generation and off-grid PV development in 11 countries. 

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation INSPIRE
    • Post-COVID recovery: An agenda for resilience, development and equality

      Energy transition investments in the wake of COVID-19 can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Collaborative Frameworks CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Finance & investment Energy transition in end uses Policy Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Electricity Storage and Renewables for Island Power: A Guide for Decision Makers

      A practical guide for decision-makers and project developers on the available energy storage solutions and their successful applications in the context of islands communities. The report also includes various best practice cases and different scenarios and strategies. It is developed as part of the IRENA Renewables in Islands Initiative (IRII).

      Publications Reports Electricity Storage Costs Costs Energy storage Technology
    • Personas, Planeta y Prosperidad

      Este folleto describe por qué una adopción acelerada de las energías renovables es una solución clave para un escenario climáticamente seguro.

      Publications Reports Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Renewable energy statistics 2020

      This statistical publication presents renewable power generation capacity statistics for the for the last decade (2010-2019).

      Publications Data Statistics Energy transition
    • Smart Grids and Renewables: A cost-benefit analysis guide for developing countries

      Smart grid technologies support the creation of an increasingly flexible electricity grid, enabling the integration of variable renewable energy. They work by incorporating information and communications technology at all stages of power generation, delivery and consumption, improving reliability and service to end-users.

      Publications Reports Stationary Applications Costs Costs
    • Southern African Power Pool: Planning and Prospects for Renewable Energy

      With the energy systems of many African countries dominated by fossil-fuel sources that are vulnerable to global price volatility, regional and intra-continental power systems with high shares of renewable energy can provide least-cost option to support continued economic growth and address the continent’s acute energy access problem. Unlocking Africa’s huge renewable energy potential could help to take many people out of poverty, while ensuring the uptake of sustainable technologies for the continent’s long-term development.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning
    • 30 Years of Policies for Wind Energy: Lessons from 12 Wind Energy Markets

      Wind energy has emerged in recent years as a prominent power source in some of the world’s leading markets. Successful wind development hinges on a range of policy and regulatory decisions. A joint report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) provides insights into the policy design decisions taken in important existing markets over the last three decades.

      Publications Reports Wind energy Technology Power system structures & markets Policy
    • Intellectual Property Rights: The Role of Patents in Renewable Energy Technology Innovation

      Patent information can provide valuable insights on the renewable energy sector as new technologies arise and markets continue to evolve. Analysis of renewable energy technology patents, for example, can reveal: which countries and innovators are most active in inventing technologies; the potential markets where technologies need to be protected;

      Publications Reports Innovation indicators Innovation INSPIRE
    • Turning to renewables: Climate-safe energy solutions

      This set of briefs, prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), highlights challenges and opportunities as the world seeks climate-safe energy solutions.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference 2012: Key Findings and Recommendations

      IRENA co-organised the International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference (IOREC) along with the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), in Accra, Ghana, on 1-2 November 2012. This report presents the key findings and recommendations that emerged from the roundtable discussions during IOREC.

      Publications Reports Off-grid for energy access
    • End-of-life management: Solar Photovoltaic Panels

      This report is the first-ever projection of PV panel waste volumes to 2050. It highlights that recycling or repurposing solar PV panels at the end of their roughly 30-year lifetime can unlock an estimated stock of 78 million tonnes of raw materials and other valuable components globally by 2050.

      Publications Reports Solar energy Technology
    • Innovation outlook: Thermal energy storage

      Thermal energy storage (TES) can help to integrate high shares of renewable energy in power generation, industry and buildings. This outlook identifies priorities for research and development.

      Publications Reports Energy storage Technology
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