Personas, Planeta y Prosperidad
Este folleto describe por qué una adopción acelerada de las energías renovables es una solución clave para un escenario climáticamente seguro.
Este folleto describe por qué una adopción acelerada de las energías renovables es una solución clave para un escenario climáticamente seguro.
IRENA's annual jobs review confirms long-term growth trend; strong policy action essential to ensure continued employment expansion in the COVID-19 era.
Diese Broschüre beschreibt, warum die Beschleunigung der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien der Schlüssel zu einer klimasichernden Zukunft ist.
本レポートでは2050 年までの気候変動に配慮した投資、エネルギー移行に必要な政策の枠組み、及び各地域が直面する課題に焦点を当てている。また、最終的に排出量をゼロにするための選択肢も探っています。
يوضح هذا الكتيب الأسباب وراء تسريع وتيرة التحول نحو الطاقة المتجددة لبناء مستقبل آمن للمناخ.
A energia renovável é uma solução-chave e a ferramenta de ação mais prática para mitigar as mudanças climáticas. Com o emprego acelerado das renováveis, as emissões de dióxido de carbono (CO2) seriam 70% abaixo dos níveis atuais.
Doubling renewables in the global energy mix by 2030 is not only feasible, but cheaper than not doing so. This second edition of IRENA’s global roadmap provides an in-depth perspective on the energy transition in 40 economies, representing 80% of global energy use. It offers concrete technology options and outlines solutions to accelerate renewable energy growth.
The new report shows 162 gigawatts (GW) or 62% of total renewable power generation added last year had lower costs than the cheapest new fossil fuel option.
Germany’s Energiewende (“energy transition”) has made the country a world leader in renewable energy development
This booklet outlines why accelerating the uptake of renewable energy is key to a climate-safe future.
This report explores how African countries can achieve universal energy access within the 2030 Agenda timeframe. Also, explores transformational potential of the electricity sector in five Africa countries.
IRENA’s latest global cost study shows solar and wind power reaching new price lows. The report highlights cost trends for all major renewable electricity sources.
Die jüngste globale Kostenstudie von IRENA zeigt, wie sich die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der erneuerbaren Energien inmitten der Krise der fossilen Brennstoffe fortsetzte, und zeigt die Kostentrends für die wichtigsten erneuerbaren Stromquellen auf.
Geopolitik der Energiewende: Kritische Rohstoffe bieten umfassende Einblicke in die Rolle kritischer Rohstoffe, untersucht die damit verbundenen geopolitischen Implikationen und gibt Empfehlungen für eine nachhaltige globale Energiewende.
The first edition of REthinking Energy, a flagship series from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), examines challenges and opportunities for accelerated deployment of renewables in the power-generation sector, while reviewing global progress in the transition to a sustainable energy future.
Эта брошюра рассказывает почему ускорение внедрения возобновляемых источников энергии является ключом к безопасному климатическому будущему.
This report outlines a pathway for the world to achieve the Paris Agreement goals and halt the pace of climate change by transforming the global energy landscape.
This outlook highlights climate-safe investment options until 2050, policies for transition and specific regional challenges. It also explores options to eventually cut emissions to zero.
Offshore renewable energy – including offshore wind and solar power, as well as emerging ocean energy technologies – could support sustainable long-term development and drive a vibrant blue economy.
Cette brochure explique pourquoi le déploiement accéléré des énergies renouvelables est la clé d'un avenir sans danger pour le climat.