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  • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2023

    The levelised cost of electricity produced from most forms of renewable power continued to fall year-on-year in 2023, with solar PV leading the cost reductions, followed by offshore wind.

    Costs, Energy transition, Power Generation Costs English
  • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2022

    IRENA’s global renewable power generation costs study shows that the competitiveness of renewables continued to improve despite rising materials and equipment costs in 2022.

    Costs, Energy transition, Power Generation Costs English
  • Low-cost finance for the energy transition

    This report identifies the pressing need for greater private sector engagement in the financing of energy transition projects, as well as closer public-private collaboration to sustain the net zero pathway.

    Energy transition, Finance & investment, Costs, Technology English
  • The cost of financing for renewable power

    Based on a new, unique dataset from a global survey, this IRENA report presents unprecedented insights on the cost of capital for onshore wind, offshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) projects.

    Finance & investment, Costs, Technology, Solar energy, Wind energy English
  • Community energy benefits: Powering universal wellbeing

    This report, from the Coalition for Action Working Group on Community Energy, highlights the advantages of pursuing community energy in achieving the tripling of renewable energy capacity by 2030 in a just and inclusive manner.

    Energy transition, Socio-economic impact English
  • Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review 2024

    The eleventh edition of IRENA’s Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review – the fourth consecutive report produced in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) – provides the latest data and estimates of renewable energy employment globally.

    Energy transition in end uses, Energy & jobs, Socio-economic impact English
  • Small Island Developing States at a Crossroads: The socio-economics of transitioning to renewables

    A number of SIDS are adopting targets and policies to incorporate substantial amounts of renewable energy into their electricity supply mix.

    Energy transition, Socio-economic impact English
  • Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: South Africa

    This report builds on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook to support energy transition planning and informed policy making in South Africa, and calls for a comprehensive policy framework that can advance the transition whilst safeguarding people, livelihoods and jobs.

    Energy transition, Socio-economic impact English

Produced as a contribution to technical discussions and to disseminate new findings on relevant topics in the area of the author’s expertise, these papers do not represent IRENA’s official position or views on any topic.