IRENA/NREL workshop on Best practices in international renewable energy Technology cooperation.
IRENA workshop on best practices in international renewable energy cooperation was held on 21 – 23 November 2011 at US National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado in the United States. The purpose of this workshop is to identify and highlight various best practices experienced by IRENA Members and in partner organizations. The workshop also discusses the way to disseminate such good practices among IRENA Members and also the role of IRENA in enhancing technology cooperation.
Almost 30 speakers representing technology centers and agencies around the world participated and presented their experience in technology cooperation in the area of renewable energies. The workshop enjoyed the wealth of experiences presented as identifying on-going best practices in renewable technology projects. The participants also presented their ideas on possible role of IRENA and its action in enhancing technology cooperation.
The result of the workshop is a valuable inputs from renewable experts community and to be reflected to the best practices survey report that will to be presented to IRENA Member States for their discussion on the future direction of IRENA Technology Cooperation.