Capacity building in energy modelling for Niger NDC

In the framework of country-level support for revisions of NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) under the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) delivered by the NDC partnership, IRENA’s Innovation and Technology Center (IITC) supports the government of Niger through a targeted capacity building program on long-term energy planning. Participants in the program have been invited from across various ministries and government agencies active in the energy sector of Niger.

An initial e-learning phase to acquaint the participants in the program with the necessary software and analysis tools, based around the MESSAGE modelling framework, has already been completed. In a next phase, IRENA, in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), will invite all participants to a three-day workshop to be held in Niamey on 16-18 March 2021, with virtual participation from all IRENA and IAEA speakers. 

The focus of the workshop will be around an existing template model of Niger’s electricity sector (the SPLAT-NE model, based on IRENA’s SPLAT model framework), created for IRENA’s flagship 2018 report “Planning and prospects for renewable power: West Africa”. In the course of the workshop, the SPLAT-NE model will be used as starting point to discuss various aspects of power systems modelling that are of high importance especially in the context of modelling renewable electricity generation, such as trends in renewable electricity costs, renewable resource assessment, and increasing temporal resolution. Various other aspects of energy planning, such as bottom-up estimations of energy demand beyond the power sector, will be discussed as well.


It is a closed meeting by Invitation only.

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