Azerbaijan RRA Validation Workshop
Azerbaijan is well placed to benefit from the global renewable energy transition triggered by the reduced technology costs. Currently, the country has a modest share of renewable energy in the country’s energy mix, with hydropower constituting the majority of its installed renewable energy capacity. However, the country has made some advancements over the past two years with deployment of several renewable energy projects.
The country adopted the Strategic Road Map on Public Utilities Development (electricity and thermal energy, water and gas), which consist a strategic vision for 2020, a long-term vision for the period up to 2025 and a target view for the post-2025 period. The renewables targets for 2020 is defined as 420 MW total capacity including 350 MW wind, 50 MW solar and 20 MW biomass.
IRENA’s Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA) for Azerbaijan, undertaken in co-operation with the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources (SAARES), aims to examine critical and emerging challenges associated with scaling up renewables in the energy sector and identify key actions to overcome these challenges.
In the context of the RRA, a series of consultations have been organized to obtain feedback from local and international stakeholders, including the Expert Consultation Workshop, which took place on 31 May – 1 June 2018. In an effort to continue the constructive exchange and to consolidate the recommendations identified throughout the RRA process, IRENA and SAARES organised the RRA Validation Workshop.
Participants, included governmental agencies, energy experts, development partners, international and regional organisations, renewable energy investors and developers in Azerbaijan. The outcomes of this workshop will feed in to the final RRA Azerbaijan report.