IRENA (2019), Innovation landscape brief: Utility-scale batteries, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
Enabling Technologies: Innovation Landscape briefs

IRENA’s Innovation Landscape report highlights innovations in enabling technologies that play a key role in facilitating the integration of renewable energy.
These are further explored in sets of briefs addressing key power system challenges:
Electricity storage
Battery storage technologies help to offset the variability of renewables and provide various services to the grid.
Electrification of end-use sectors
Electrification of other sectors opens doors to new markets for renewable power generation as well as new ways to store surplus generation.
Digital technologies
Digital technologies are introducing new applications in the power sector, changing the boundaries and dynamics of the industry and helping to optimise renewable energy assets.
New grids
New and smart grids, both large and small scale, complement each other and enable new ways to manage VRE generation.
Dispatchable generation
Refurbishment of existing assets helps to adapt to new conditions and meet the evolving needs of the system.
See the main Innovation Landscape report.
See also related briefs on innovations Market Design.