IRENA (2016), Renewable Energy Prospects: Dominican Republic, REmap 2030, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Abu Dhabi, www.irena.org/remap.
Renewable Energy Prospects: Dominican Republic
Este informe está también disponible en español.
A REmap country study from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) highlights the potential to increase the share of renewable power generation in the Dominican Republic to as much as 44% by 2030, based largely on solar photovoltaics (PV), wind and bioenergy. Overall, the share of modern renewables in the country’s final energy mix could triple from 9% currently to 27% by 2030.
In order to realise this potential, the Dominican Republic needs to overcome institutional, economic and technical challenges. In the case of the power sector, the REmap study suggests solutions to address issues around generation adequacy and flexibility, ensuring the development of electricity grids, while helping manage the limited predictability of solar and wind energy and the effects of rapidly increased penetration with these variable renewable power sources.
As the results underline, renewable energy uptake also needs to take place beyond the power sector, in particular for industrial heating, transport, and residential and commercial cooling. Solutions for each of these sectors are offered, followed by specific suggestions on how to create an affordable, reliable and sustainable bioenergy market.
The Executive Summary of the report is available in English and Spanish.
Also see the slidedeck for the REmap country study launch.
For more information about the REmap programme, please visit www.irena.org/remap or email REmap@irena.org.