Investment Opportunities in Latin America (Global Atlas)
This report provides a region-wide pre-feasibility assessment of solar and wind opportunities in Latin America, for both grid connected and off-grid systems. The outcome includes high resolution maps (1 km resolution) indicating suitable areas for solar and wind energy projects on land, taking account of resource intensity, distance to power grids, population density, land cover, topography, altitude and protected areas.
The maps can be used to identify ideal sites project sites, and also to initiate dialogue with regional and local entities and communities. For illustrative purposes, the report provides aggregate figures for technical potential, expressed in gigawatts (GW) of equivalent installed capacity, broken down by sub-region. Partners in the Global Atlas for Renewable Energy consortium have devised this method to expand the applicability of Atlas data to real-world projects.
Maps are available for display and download at: here
An equivalent report on investment opportunities based on Global Atlas results also exists for the GCC region.