IRENA (2015), REmap 2030 Renewable Energy Prospects for Poland. IRENA, Abu Dhabi. www.irena.org/remap
REmap 2030: Renewable Energy Prospects for Poland
The background paper is available in English or Polish (Polska).
Polska wersja językowa.
Poland can increase its share of renewable energy in power generation to nearly 38% by 2030 (compared to only 7% in 2010). REmap 2030: Renewable Energy Prospects for Poland, prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) with input from the Polish Ministry of Economy, also finds the share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption can more than double, to nearly 25% by 2030. The analysis of the country’s renewable energy prospects comes as part of REmap 2030, IRENA’s roadmap for doubling the share of renewables in the global energy mix.
Under current policies, the share of renewables in Poland’s total final energy consumption would increase to just 15.5% by 2030. This could feasibly reach 25% if investments in renewable energy doubled to USD 4.5 billion annually, REmap analysis indicates. The envisaged energy transformation would reduce Poland’s carbon dioxide emissions and could save up to USD 2 billion per year by 2030 when taking into account externalities related to health and environmental costs.
Poland’s renewable energy use to date has been dominated by biomass. To achieve higher shares, the country must tap its vast wind power resources, improve its power transmissions and scale-up grid development, the background paper finds. However, opportunities to scale up renewables are not limited to the power sector; the renewable share of energy applications in buildings could nearly triple, to almost 35%, while the industry and transport sectors could see their shares double.