Thirty Innovations for a Renewable-Powered Future


The joint webinar by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Enlit Europe and Initiate discussed how the 30 innovations identified by IRENA in its 'Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future' project are accelerating the energy transition.

The webinar stressed the importance of a systemic innovation approach, meaning fostering innovation in four dimensions: enabling technologies, business models, market design and system operation. The role of those innovations were discussed in the context of the ongoing disruptive trends in the power sector:

  • 1) Digitalisation
  • 2) Decentralisation
  • 3) Electrification

These trends are changing paradigms, unlocking system flexibility for a high share of VRE penetration. They are changing the roles and responsibilities of actors and opening doors to new entrants in the sector.


Opening address

  • Nigel Blackaby, Content Director, Enlit Europe


  • Systemic innovation for a renewable-powered future, Dolf Gielen, Director Innovation and Technology, IRENA
  • Presentations on the three innovation trends in power sector:
    • Electrification: Mark McGranaghan, Vice President, Innovation, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
    • Decentralisation: Michele Governatori, Professor of Environmental Economics & Resource Economics, University Suor Orsola Benincasa
    • Digitalisation: Maher Chebbo, Co-Chair of the ETIP SNET Digital Energy
  • Initiate, Vaitea Cowan, co-founder, Enapter

Panel discussion and Q&A

  • Annegret Groebel, Director of International Relations at the German Regulatory Authority BNetzA, CEER President
  • Norela Constantinescu, Manager, Research & Innovation, ENTSO-E
  • João Torres, CEO, EDP Distribuição
  • Enno Böttcher, CEO of NODES
  • Moderator: Nigel Blackaby, Content Director, Enlit Europe

Closing remarks

  • Dolf Gielen, Director Innovation and Technology, IRENA