Consultation on Workforce Development Priorities and Experiences
A presentation on the Agency’s ongoing work related to just and inclusive energy transitions.
Opportunities in the UAE Renewable Energy Sector
A presentation focused on the renewable energy prospective in the region at the 10th EIC Connect Clean Energy UAE.
Showcasing the Global Green Hydrogen Opportunity
The Director-General’s speech on the potential of hydrogen for renewables at Reuters Hydrogen 2021.
Offshore Renewables: Fostering a Blue Economy
Key recommendations to utilise offshore renewables at the G20 Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG).
IRENA’s Engagement in Southeast Asia and Indonesia: Prospects for Energy Transitions and Implications for Energy Companies
A presentation of the renewable energy landscape and policies in Southeast Asia.
Reaching Zero with Renewables: Green Commodities in the Industry Sector
A keynote speech on the potential of green commodities at webinar organised by the EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network and RCREEE.
A New Energy Future: The Way to a Sustainable Recovery
Keynote speech by the Director-General on the role of renewable energy in sustainable development in a webinar organised by Renewable Energy Institute.
Enabling Low-Temperature Renewable District Energy in Cities
The presentation offers an insight into the integration of renewable energy in district heating and cooling systems as part of a workshop organised by IRENA in collaboration with Aalborg University with the support of the Chinese Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI).
Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: Indonesia
This report explores the potential socioeconomic impacts of the energy transition in Indonesia.
Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: South Africa
This report builds on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook to support energy transition planning and informed policy making in South Africa, and calls for a comprehensive policy framework that can advance the transition whilst safeguarding people, livelihoods and jobs.
Antigua and Barbuda: Renewable Energy Roadmap
The Roadmap charts a path for the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, providing options for achieving a 100% renewable energy share in both the power and transport sectors.
Fostering Livelihoods with Decentralised Renewable Energy: An Ecosystems Approach
This brief discusses the ’ecosystem’ necessary for linking electricity services through decentralised renewable energy with people’s livelihoods.
Renewables Readiness Assessment: Mali
The findings of the Renewable Energy Readiness Assessment (RRA) highlight major obstacles to the widespread deployment of renewable energy systems. They identify critical actions that could have a significant impact on increasing renewables in the short and medium term.
Renewable Energy Benefits: Decentralised solutions in the agri-food chain
The number of people without access to electricity is estimated at more than a billion, while almost 2.9 billion still rely on traditional, unsustainable biomass sources such as firewood for cooking and heating. About 80% of those lacking modern energy access live in rural areas, which also host more than 70% of the world’s poor.
Community Energy Toolkit: Best practices for broadening the ownership of renewables
This white paper, developed by the IRENA Coalition for Action, analyses 11 renewable energy initiatives from across the world, showcasing ways in which communities actively participate in energy decision making bringing socio-economic impacts to societies.
Post-COVID recovery: An agenda for resilience, development and equality
Energy transition investments in the wake of COVID-19 can pave the way for equitable, inclusive and resilient economies.
Personas, Planeta y Prosperidad
Este folleto describe por qué una adopción acelerada de las energías renovables es una solución clave para un escenario climáticamente seguro.
人类, 星球和繁荣
Turning to renewables: Climate-safe energy solutions
This set of briefs, prepared by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), highlights challenges and opportunities as the world seeks climate-safe energy solutions.
Renewables Readiness Assessment: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Jordan’s energy diversification strategy is centred around renewables. This report aims to help unlock Jordan’s renewable energy potential.
Renewable Energy for Agriculture: Insights from Southeast Asia
This report examines the role of renewables in meeting growing energy needs in the agriculture sector in an inclusive and environmentally sustainable manner.
Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Southeast Asia
This regional market analysis examines the challenges of economic and population growth, the need to boost energy supply, and growing environmental and energy security concerns.
Renewable Energy Benefits: Leveraging Local Capacity for Solar Water Heaters
This report aims to expand policy makers’ understanding of the steps needed to develop a local market for solar water heaters, and the existing capabilities that can be leveraged to do so. The report also highlights opportunities to create local value by setting up a domestic industry around solar water heaters.
Renewable Energy and Jobs - Annual Review 2021
This Special Edition of the report on Labour and Policy Perspectives, in collaboration with the ILO, presents the status of employment in 2020 and discusses the policy framework required for a just transition.