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    • International Standardisation in the Field of Renewable Energy

      Renewable energy standards, regularly reviewed and updated by international committees of technical experts, can help policy makers as an instrument to demonstrate national regulatory compliance, as well as ensuring successful deployment of renewable energy technologies (RET).

      Publications Reports Quality & Standards Innovation INSPIRE
    • Renewable Energy Innovation Policy: Success Criteria and Strategies

      The report identifies broad success criteria for innovation policy in the sector and suggests strategic policy approaches to advance RET innovation in the context of constrained options, competition for resources, and national economic development goals.

      Publications Reports Policy
    • Smart Grids and Renewables: A Guide for Effective Deployment

      The steady growth of renewable energy technologies and cost-competitiveness of solar and wind power call for a smarter approach to power-grid management. This working paper from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) provides a technical overview of smart-grid technologies as a way to accommodate larger shares of renewable energy in the electricity sector.

      Publications Reports Innovation
    • Évaluation de L’état de Préparation aux Énergies Renouvelables : Mali

      Les conclusions de l’évaluation de l’état de préparation aux énergies renouvelables (RRA) soulignent les obstacles majeurs qui entravent le déploiement généralisé des systèmes d’energie renouvelable. Elles identifient des actions critiques qui pourraient avoir un impact significatif sur l’accroissement des énergies renouvelables à court et moyen termes.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Power Generation Costs Costs Local value creation Socio-economic impact Finance & investment
    • تكاليف توليد الطاقة المتجددة لعام 2021

      تُظهر دراسة التكلفة العالمية الأخيرة للوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة (IRENA) كيف استمرت القدرة التنافسية لمصادر الطاقة المتجددة وسط أزمة الوقود الأحفوري وتسلط الضوء على اتجاهات التكلفة لمصادر الكهرباء المتجددة الرئيسية.

      Reports Publications Costs Energy transition Power Generation Costs
    • IRENA's Energy Transition Support to Strengthen Climate Action

      This report highlights the work done during the NDCs review process, the support offered through its different work packages as well as facilitating Parties and countries with project developments, financing and investment.

      Publications Reports Climate Action Targets & NDCs Policy
    • Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems

      This report contains the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Innovation
    • Climate change and renewable energy

      Japan, holding the G20 presidency in 2019, asked the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) for a report on the implications of the global energy transformation for climate and sustainability in a broad sense.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Targets & NDCs Policy Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy Roadmapping for Islands

      Pacific islands are endowed with a rich variety of renewable energy resources, providing a viable and attractive alternative to fossil-fuel imports. IRENA’s multi-faceted work across the region is reflected in Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy Roadmapping for Islands. The main report, intended to provide a framework for further action, is accompanied by 15 reports on specific islands, as well as a report detailing hybrid power systems for the Pacific.

      Publications Reports Technology & infrastructure Technology
    • Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy abstract

      The Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy project aims to create a collaborative internetbased Geographic Information System (GIS) for wind and solar resources that can direct and enhance cooperation on global scenarios and strategies and support decision-making, especially in areas where existing information is insufficient.

      Publications Reports Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology
    • Renewable Energy Roadmap for The Republic of Maldives

      This roadmap identifies the key barriers to renewable energy deployment in the Maldives. The objective  of the roadmap is to assist the Maldives in identifying optimal pathways for deploying a high share of renewable energy.

      Publications Reports Energy transition
    • A Path to Prosperity: Renewable energy for islands

      A Path to Prosperity: Renewable energy for islands was developed in support of the Renewable Energy Forum, a one-day forum preceding the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), held in Apia, Samoa, on 1-4 September 2014. The booklet is a collection of case studies submitted by SIDS and development partners to complement Forum discussions.

      Publications Reports Technology & infrastructure Technology SIDS Lighthouses
    • Renewable Power Generation Costs – Summary for Policy Makers

      This summary provided key insights on cost trends for renewable power generation ahead of a ground-breaking series of comprehensive cost studies by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

      Publications Reports Power Generation Costs Costs
    • NDCs in 2020

      The brief, released at the global climate meeting COP25, underlines the opportunity to address the climate threat, decarbonise energy use and simultaneously achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals.

      Publications Reports Climate Action Targets & NDCs Policy Electrification Innovation Energy efficiency Technology
    • Renewable Energy Opportunities for Island Tourism

      Tourism is an important economic driver for island economies. Energy supply, vital for the tourism industry, is still dominated by oil products which increases islands’ vulnerability to the environmental impact of fossil-fuel use, as well as to oil price volatility, which makes it difficult for the industry to remain competitive

      Publications Reports Technology & infrastructure Technology SIDS Lighthouses
    • Renewables Readiness Assessment: Swaziland

      A Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) identifies the actions needed to overcome a country’s barriers to renewable energy deployment, with IRENA providing technical support and expertise to facilitate consultations among different national stakeholders.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Energy transition
    • Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020

      The new report shows 162 gigawatts (GW) or 62% of total renewable power generation added last year had lower costs than the cheapest new fossil fuel option.

      Publications Data Power Generation Costs Costs Stationary Applications Costs Costs
    • Renewable energy auctions: Status and trends beyond price

      As the renewable energy sector matures, policies must be adapted to reflect changing market conditions. This brief outlines the latest research on auctions, with a focus on market developments since 2017.

      Publications Reports Renewable energy auctions Policy
    • Towards a Prosperous and Sustainable Africa

      This joint report by RES4AFRICA, IRENA and UNECA calls for enhanced co-operation to accelerate SDGs in Africa and support a just and inclusive energy transition.

      Publications Reports Socio-economic impact Energy transition
    • Recycle: Bioenergy

      Sustainable bioenergy could even out solar and wind variability and replace fossil fuels for industry, transport and buildings.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Bioenergy & biofuels Technology Bioenergy Policy Energy transition in end uses Policy Power Generation Costs Costs Circular economy Policy
    • Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future

      This report maps and categorises innovative solutions to integrate renewables. It brings together insights on key innovations to facilitate higher shares of solar and wind in the power sector.

      Publications Reports Systemic innovation Innovation Power sector transformation Innovation
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