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    • Energia geotérmica desperta interesse na África Oriental

      A África Oriental nunca se mostrou muito interessada na energia geotérmica — até agora. A política pioneira de transformação energética do Quénia está a inspirar outros países da região.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Geothermal energy Deutsche Welle
    • East Africa's new love affair with geothermal energy

      Until recently, there had been little interest in geothermal power in East Africa. But Kenya's trailblazing energy transformation policy is now inspiring others.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Geothermal energy Deutsche Welle
    • Geothermal race heats up Africa

      Kenya has led the way in developing its geothermal energy resources – with support from the land of ice and fire, Iceland.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Geothermal energy African Business
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