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    • Energia geotérmica desperta interesse na África Oriental

      A África Oriental nunca se mostrou muito interessada na energia geotérmica — até agora. A política pioneira de transformação energética do Quénia está a inspirar outros países da região.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Geothermal energy Deutsche Welle
    • East Africa's new love affair with geothermal energy

      Until recently, there had been little interest in geothermal power in East Africa. But Kenya's trailblazing energy transformation policy is now inspiring others.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Geothermal energy Deutsche Welle
    • IRENA pushes for energy infrastructure reform in Africa

      In an exclusive interview with The Guardian (Nigeria) ahead of the African Climate Week in Nairobi, Kenya, Director General of IRENA, Francesco La Camera pointed that the gap between climate pledges and climate action remains a matter of concern.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition The Guardian (Nigeria)
    • IRENA: Here’s what it takes for Africa to achieve just energy transition

      Africa has vast potential in renewable energy. With the right investments and commitments, it can help lead a global energy revolution, leapfrogging to renewable technologies and improving lives through cleaner, safer energy for household use. CNBC Africa spoke to Francesco La Camera, Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition CNBC Africa
    • Geothermal race heats up Africa

      Kenya has led the way in developing its geothermal energy resources – with support from the land of ice and fire, Iceland.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Geothermal energy African Business
    • Africa’s renewable energy sector is shattering gender norms

      Africa’s fast-evolving renewable energy landscape is catalysing a shift in gender dynamics, with more women seizing employment opportunities than in the traditional energy sector, according to a new report.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Gender Energy & jobs The Independent
    • Agri-feedstock: dai campi alle bioraffinerie, modello di decarbonizzazione

      Benedetta Camilli (Eni): “La strategia può variare in base alle opportunità dei singoli paesi e alla vocazione agricola, con un approccio fast track e un programma allineato all’espansione della capacità di bioraffinazione”.

      News IRENA in the News Energy transition Bioenergy & biofuels La Repubblica
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