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    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: Central Africa

      Building on previous editions of the series, this report explores the power sector landscape of Central Africa, providing analysis of potential scenarios for long-term development of the sector in the region.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Planning
    • Advancements in continental power system planning for Africa

      This report describes the methodology and design of the SPLAT-CMP model, the modelling framework for electricity and transmission capacity expansion behind the Africa Continental Master Plan (CMP).

      Publications Reports Energy transition Planning
    • Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies and finance for renewable energy deployment

      This report explores trends in renewable energy investment, finance and policy in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a view to unlocking the potential of renewable energy as an important lever of socio-economic development in the region.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Finance & investment Policy
    • North Africa: Policies and finance for renewable energy

      The brief by IRENA, highlights North Africa’s large renewable energy potential and explores its current policy environment to support the energy transition and the deployment of renewable energy in the coming years.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Finance & investment Policy
    • Socio-economic footprint of the energy transition: South Africa

      This report builds on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook to support energy transition planning and informed policy making in South Africa, and calls for a comprehensive policy framework that can advance the transition whilst safeguarding people, livelihoods and jobs.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Socio-economic impact
    • Scaling up renewable energy investments in West Africa

      This brief identifies key recommendations and subsequent action points for scaling up renewable energy investments in West Africa, covering various policy, financial and technical dimensions, and emphasising the immense opportunities and advantages that renewable energy can bring to the region.

      Publications Reports Energy transition Coalition for Action
    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: North Africa

      This report shows the importance of regional coordination in long-term planning, by showcasing collective opportunities for North African countries to diversify their electricity generation mixes and reduce their reliance on fossil fuel resources by 2040.

      Publications Reports Planning Long term energy planning
    • Towards a Prosperous and Sustainable Africa

      This joint report by RES4AFRICA, IRENA and UNECA calls for enhanced co-operation to accelerate SDGs in Africa and support a just and inclusive energy transition.

      Publications Reports Socio-economic impact Energy transition
    • Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Africa and its Regions

      The report lays out a pathway to a renewable-based energy system and shows that the transition promises substantial gains in GDP, employment, and human welfare in each region of the African continent.

      Publications Reports CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact
    • Renewables Readiness Assessment: Botswana

      The RRA report presents clear and practical steps to maximise the country’s use of renewables in driving sustainable socio-economic growth.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Targets & NDCs Policy Energy transition in end uses Policy Electrification Innovation
    • Planning and prospects for renewable power: Eastern and Southern Africa

      East and Southern African countries possess vast potential for renewable energy development. This report assesses the prospects for the power sector in the countries of the ACEC through 2040.

      Publications Reports Long term energy planning Planning Energy models and tools Planning Power system operation Planning Targets & NDCs Policy
    • The Renewable Energy Transition in Africa

      This report explores how African countries can achieve universal energy access within the 2030 Agenda timeframe. Also, explores transformational potential of the electricity sector in five Africa countries.

      Publications Reports Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact Finance & investment Systemic innovation Innovation
    • Geothermal development in Eastern Africa

      The East African Rift region holds significant geothermal potential. This report offers recommendations to fast-track regional geothermal energy development.

      Publications Reports Geothermal energy Technology Local value creation Socio-economic impact
    • Renewable Energy Prospects: South Africa

      The study defines a trajectory to 2030 based on current government policies and plans and identifies the options for additional renewables deployment by energy-use sector and technology.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Country Climate Action Targets & NDCs Policy
    • Renewables Readiness Assessment: Mali

      The findings of the Renewable Energy Readiness Assessment (RRA) highlight major obstacles to the widespread deployment of renewable energy systems. They identify critical actions that could have a significant impact on increasing renewables in the short and medium term.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Power Generation Costs Costs Local value creation Socio-economic impact
    • Sugarcane bioenergy in Southern Africa: Economic potential for sustainable scale-up

      This study reviews the bioenergy potential from sugarcane and associated development costs in seven sugar-producing countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), aiming to provide a foundation for more detailed country-level studies exploring practical potential.

      Publications Reports Bioenergy & biofuels Technology
    • Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: A collection of good practices

      This collection aims to provide a reference for policy makers and practitioners working to scale up bioenergy in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Energy, agriculture, forestry, environment, finance and business experts all seek for solutions to provide energy and also enhance food security, social welfare and environmental sustainability.

      Publications Reports Bioenergy & biofuels Technology Bioenergy Policy
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