A Path to Prosperity: Renewable energy for islands
A Path to Prosperity: Renewable Energy for Islands was developed in support of the Renewable Energy Forum, a one-day forum preceding the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), held in Apia, Samoa, on 1-4 September 2014. The booklet is a collection of case studies submitted by SIDS and development partners to complement Forum discussions. This compilation of real-life projects illustrates innovative solutions and partnerships used to advance renewable energy deployment in SIDS.
A Path to Prosperity: Renewable Energy for Islands was made possible because of the engagement and contributions of Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Capo Verde, Fiji, France, Germany, Jamaica, New Zealand, Samoa, Tokelau, Vanuatu, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, the Asian Development Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank, the International Renewable Energy Agency, the United Nations Development Programme, and the World Bank.