IRENA Launches Capacity Building Programme for Young Professionals from LDC and SIDS
A new IRENA initiative to establish a capacity building programme for young professionals from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), has been launched. The programme provides an opportunity for young professionals from LDCs and SIDS, with the agreement and support of their governments (or institutions), to serve at IRENA Headquarters in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates or at its office in Bonn, Germany, for a period of one to two years. The programme aims to build capacity for addressing renewable energy issues in SIDS and LDCs and to provide experience in an intergovernmental organisation setting.
Young people are key actors of the energy transformation and, as innovators, leaders and renewable energy professionals, their skills and advocacy will be essential for building a climate-safe and sustainable energy future. By engaging with young people from LDCs and SIDS and providing them with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience under the guidance of experts, integrating their contribution into the Agency’s work, IRENA will equip the next generation of leaders with the necessary practical experiences to support their governments in their transition to a sustainable energy future.
This programme builds on IRENA’s capacity building support to its SIDS and LDC Members, including on-the-ground activities such as regional training workshops, support to countries in energy master plan development, and grid integration support for islands. During training activities and the process of developing national energy master plans, IRENA and its partners support country teams with customised technical support, on-demand advisory services and review of draft outputs.
Countries and individuals interested in the new Capacity Development Programme for LDC and SIDS Nationals should visit https://irena.org/employment for additional details about the programme and its online application process. See the vacancy announcement.