A Renewable Future Lecture Series in Bonn


New lecture series highlights the political, technological, financial, socio-economic, commercial, and regional opportunities and challenges for a future powered by renewables.

Starting this autumn and continuing into 2018, IRENA and the “Sustainable Development in International Cooperation” coordination unit of the University of Bonn have organised a lecture series that will analyse and discuss the political, technological, financial, socioeconomic, commercial and regional opportunities and challenges of a renewable energy powered future.

Covering topics ranging from innovation in renewables to IRENA’s engagement with Island governments in supporting their energy transitions, the lecture series will elaborate on the role of IRENA globally on energy transition, including technology and sector roadmaps, economics, and enabling frameworks. IRENA will share its costs work and its outlook on future competitiveness of key renewable energy technologies, including preliminary results from its upcoming analysis on projected costs and performance of battery electricity storage technologies to 2030

The Agency will outline bioenergy potential in the context of a recently released briefing paper on Bioenergy for Sustainable Development. Key findings from published and ongoing IRENA publications on project facilitation, particularly an overview of renewable energy project development, modelling techniques and case studies, will also be presented.

A lecture focused on planning long-term transition paths for a high share of variable renewable energy, will explore planning to overcome operational bottlenecks and the role of storage in the integration of variable renewable energy into a power system.

A schedule of the lectures can be found below.

Event Date Lecturers

Accelerating the Global Energy Transition

Presentation | Video

12 October 2017 Dr. Dolf Gielen (Director) and Luis Janeiro (Programme Officer), IRENA

Planning for the Transformation of Power Systems

Presentation | Video

26 October 2017 Dr. Asami Miketa (Programme Officer) and Francisco Gafaro (Program Officer), IRENA

Island Energy Transitions

Presentation | Video

9 November 2017 Emanuele Taibi (Programme Officer) / Peter Journeay-Kaler (Associate Programme Officer), IRENA

Approaches to Sustainable Bioenergy

Presentation | Video

23 November 2017 Jeffrey Skeer (Senior Programme Officer), IRENA

Innovation Driving the Energy Sector Transformation

Presentation | Video

7 December 2017 Francisco Boshell (Programme Officer) and Prof. Dr. Roland Roesch (Senior Programme Officer), IRENA

Improving Energy Access with Renewable Energy Project Facilitation

Presentation | Video

21 December 2017 Prof. Dr. Roland Roesch (Senior Programme Officer) and Simon Benmarraze (Analyst), IRENA

The True Costs of Renewables

Presentation | Video

25 January 2018 Michael Taylor (Senior Analyst), IRENA

All events will take place from 18:00 to 20:00 in Lecture Hall IX of the University of Bonn’s Main Building. To attend, please register via email to mfischer@uni-bonn.de or through the online form at https://www.nachhaltige-entwicklung.uni-bonn.de/vorlesungsreihen.