Initiative Helps Islands Lead on Climate Action
Today is Lima Climate Action Day at COP 20, dedicated to strengthening the global message on the need to increase both ambition and collaboration on climate change.
To highlight actions already being taken and encourage further cooperative climate agreements, the government of Peru hosted a special event highlighting various initiates including: IRENA’s SIDS Lighthouse Initiative, Renewable Energy 100, and the Climate Bond initiative.
IRENA’s Elizabeth Press spoke about IRENA’s effort to develop more renewable energy in small island developing states (SIDS). Disconnected from mainland electricity grids, islands are especially vulnerable to price fluctuations for imported fossil fuels. But renewable energy deployment can help.

"SIDS can not only play their part, but can also lead in the global effort to mitigate climate change through the rapid deployment of renewables" Elizabeth Press, Deputy Director, Innovation and Technology Centre
IRENA launched its SIDS Lighthouses Initiative at the Climate Summit in New York on 23 September 2014. By 2020, the Lighthouse Initiative aims to:
- Mobilize USD 500 million
- Deploy 100 MW of new solar PV
- Deploy 20 MW of new wind power
- Deploy small hydropower and geothermal energy and a number marine technology projects in progress
- Ensure all participating SIDS develop renewable energy road maps
By speeding the uptake of renewable energy on islands around the world, the Lighthouse Initiative will enable SIDS to lead by example on climate change. Maximising the use of indigenous, clean and plentiful renewable energy requires a structured, holistic approach to ensure long-term sustainability. The SIDS Lighthouse process will also capture invaluable lessons for the rest of the world.