Better data needed to attract renewable energy investment
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is working in partnership with the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) to build a qualitative and quantitative data framework for renewable energy in developing countries. The Renewable Energy Data Collection Framework (REDAF) will improve the availability and accessibility of relevant data and provide a platform to encourage countries to participate in data collection processes to help attract investments.
IRENA and REN21 held a joint workshop on 16 January, “Renewable Energy Data to Attract Investment: Findings from the REDAF initiative”, as a side-event during the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. More than 40 experts and delegates – representing governmental and public institutions, regional organisations, research institutes and the private sector – discussed challenges and opportunities in data collection at local and regional levels. The workshop participants also identified gaps that can impede access to data and information on renewable energy, particularly in developing countries.
Discussions also focused on how IRENA can best contribute to the collection and sharing of data and information, particularly for energy access, off-grid applications, biomass and solar water heaters. Insights gained from the workshop will help guide IRENA’s programmatic activities in data collection and knowledge sharing in 2013.