Side Event “Wind Power Economics and Business Models”
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) organised a side event at the 11th World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC2012). This conference, jointly organised by the World Wind Energy Association and the German Wind Energy Association (BWE), was held in Bonn, Germany on 3-5 July 2012. The conference was convened as a platform for presentations, exchange, and discussion of the latest knowledge and technology related to renewable energy sources, particularly wind energy.
IRENA capitalised on the renewable energy experts gathered for WWEC by organising a side event on 3 July entitled “Wind Power Economics and Business Models”. Over 70 people attended the side event and participated in the discussions after each session. The four sessions complemented the WWEC by addressing relevant issues including costing and competitiveness, small wind turbines in mini-grids and on islands, wind power in Latin America, and business models for wind power development in developing countries.
During the sessions, IRENA staff members were joined by a range of presenters including Mr. Ignacio Cruz (CIEMAT), Professor Shen Dechang (Chinese Wind Energy Equipment Association), Mr. Leopold Faye (VERGNET), Mr. Zuki Jakavula (Just Energy), Mr. Balthasar Klimbie (Alliance for Renewable Electrification), Mr. Sergio Oceransky (The Yansa Group), Mr. Nico Peterschmidt (INENSUS), Mr. Jakob Schmidt-Reindahl (INENSUS), and Mr. Ibrahim Togola (Mali Folk Centre).
Presentations given during the event are available here