CEM Working Group on Solar and Wind Energy launches CaDRE


Under the umbrella of the Clean Energy Ministerial Multilateral Working Group on Solar and Wind Energy Technologies, the partnership of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and IRENA elaborated the Capacity Needs Diagnostics for Renewable Energies (CaDRE).

The purpose of CaDRE is to provide governments with the process and tools necessary to undertake an analysis of the current capacity of their renewable energy industry. The gaps and needs that this analysis exposes will identify the areas which need to be addressed to support the further deployment of renewable energy.

The successful development of renewable energy is dependent on the existence of institutional and individual capacity to enable it. Capacity is required across all levels including the system level, the organisation level, and at the individual level. The system level requires capacity within its policy framework and business environment which will enable the deployment of renewable energy. To utilise this system level capacity requires organisations and institutions with the ability to effectively and efficiently fulfil their mandates with regard to renewable energy deployment. In turn this is built on the capacity of the available personnel that must possess the latest knowledge of the technical and managerial issues related to renewable energy. For the long term sustainability of the sector it is also important to consider the capacity of the current and future direct workforce, and the necessity of establishing networks and platforms for further industry development.

CaDRE has been designed to allow countries to assess the capacity gaps and needs within their own renewable energy sector. Implementing a CaDRE assessment involves a Handbook outlining the systematic process, and a Toolbox to utilise during the assessment. CaDRE’s guidelines are modular, and the tools are user friendly, allowing countries to choose and apply the method best suited to their conditions and to suit the assessment they wish to undertake. The final result is a comprehensive and informative analysis of the national capacities related to the deployment of renewable energy technologies.

The CaDRE publications can be downloaded here: Handbook | Toolbox